|   +--dd
|   +--fdtree
|   +--fs
|   +--loader
|   +--memcached
|   +--metadata
|   +--network
|   +--perflog
|   |   +--cron-perflog
|   |   +--sample-output
|   +--postgres
|   +--postmark
|   +--raid
|   +--ram
|   +--scaling
|   +--swap

Tuning memory

==> disk-and-ram-speed-compared <==

    Data By The Numbers
    Jeremy Zawodny
    Sun, 25 Oct 2009
    When dealing with large distributed systems, knowing some basic performance
    and failure numbers helps you understand what you can reasonably expect both
    in terms of performance and reliability.
    Recently, Google Fellow Jeff Dean gave a presentation at the LADIS 2009
==> memory-tuning <==

    Huge TLB Page Support
      Since the page tables are stored in the main memory, each memory access
      of a program requires at least one memory accesses to translate virtual
      into physical address and this is where TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer)
      comes in.  A TLB is a CPU cache that is used by memory management hardware
      to improve the speed of virtual address translation.  All current desktop
      and server processors (such as x86) use a TLB.  The number of TLB entries

Tuning memory Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:24:29 -0400