|   +--dd
|   +--fdtree
|   +--fs
|   +--loader
|   +--memcached
|   +--metadata
|   +--network
|   +--perflog
|   |   +--cron-perflog
|   |   +--sample-output
|   +--postgres
|   +--postmark
|   +--raid
|   +--ram
|   +--scaling
|   +--swap

Postgres tuning

==> BBPostgres.pdf <==

==> PGDay2009-EN-Datawarehousing_with_PostgreSQL.pdf <==

==> choosing-primary-key <==

    Choosing a Primary Key: Natural or Surrogate?
    Scott W. Ambler
    Sun, 15 Aug 2010 13:16:38 -0400
    This article overviews strategies for assigning primary keys to a table
    within a relational database.  In particular, it focuses on the issue of when
    to use natural keys and when to use surrogate keys.  Some people will tell
    you that you should always use natural keys and others will tell you that
    you should always use surrogate keys.  These people invariably prove to be
==> default-values <==

    Tuning Postgres for OpenACS installation
    Mon, 8 Mar 2004
    The default values for PostgreSQL are very conservative; we can safely
    change some of them and improve performance.  Edit the PostgreSQL
    config file, /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf, to use more memory.
    These values should improve performance in most cases.
    # Shared Memory Size
==> horizontal-shard <==

    what is a good way to horizontal shard in postgresql
    Mar 24 at 19:49 WolfmanDragon
      PostgreSQL allows partitioning in two different ways.  One is by range
      and the other is by list.  Both use table inheritance to do partition.
      Partitioning by range, usually a date range, is the most common,
      but partitioning by list can be useful if the variables that is the
      partition are static and not skewed.
==> managing-sequences <==

    Sharding PostgreSQL sequences through trickery and deceit (don't tell our DBAs)
    Kevin McConnell
    Thu, 17 Mar 2011
      As is the case for many successful web applications, our databases
      have grown considerably over the years.  While there was a time that a
      single moderately-sized PostgreSQL server could happily store all of our
==> partition-on-hash <==

    Optimal database table optimization method
      PostgreSQL partitioning is supported as of version 8.1.  Partitioning
      can help you avoid the problem of choosing between fast INSERT vs fast
      DELETE performance.  You can always partition the table by Year/Month, and
      just drop the partitions that you no longer need.  Dropping partitions is
      extremely fast, and inserting into small partitions is also extremely fast.
      From the manual:
==> performance-links <==

    Performance Optimization
    Thu, 21 Oct 2010 15:14:00 -0400
      * 1 General Setup and Optimization
      * 2 Critical maintenance for performance
      * 3 Database architecture
      * 4 Database Hardware Selection and Setup
==> postgres-and-ssd <==

    Message-ID: <4D1FE347.8040008@hardwarefreak.com>
    Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2011 20:30:31 -0600
    From: Stan Hoeppner <stan@hardwarefreak.com>
    To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
    Subject: Re: PostgreSQL+ZFS
    References: <4D1E6013.2010900@atifceylan.com>
    In-Reply-To: <201101011416.37472.bss@iguanasuicide.net>
==> tablespaces <==

    * Internal label for a physical directory in the file system
    * Can be created or removed at anytime
    * Can store objects such as tables and indexes in different locations
    * Good for scalability, performance
    We can use it to implement partitioning:
    * One master table with no rows.
==> temporary-tables <==

    How to speed up a PostgreSQL database
    It all started when a certain report crept up to about 4.5 minutes to
    compile.  All the complaints let us know something had to be done to speed
    up the database.  We started by increasing the memory from 256M to 1Gig.
    This shaved about 2 minutes off, which left us at 2.5 minutes.  Using the
    'top' command it showed that there was no more virtual memory being used.
    This led us to the conclusion that adding more memory might not get us to
    where we want to be.
==> tips-and-tricks <==

    PostgreSQL tips and tricks
    Gabriel Weinberg
    Sat, 28 May 2011 13:57:00 -0400
    I've been using [4]PostgreSQL (an open-source database) for many years.
    Here are some of the less obvious tips and tricks I've picked up.  This post
    isn't meant to be a comprehensive tuning or scaling guide, though I link to
    some good documentation below.

Postgres tuning Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:24:28 -0400