|   +--dd
|   +--fdtree
|   +--fs
|   +--loader
|   +--memcached
|   +--metadata
|   +--network
|   +--perflog
|   |   +--cron-perflog
|   |   +--sample-output
|   +--postgres
|   +--postmark
|   +--raid
|   +--ram
|   +--scaling
|   +--swap

Prelinking executables

==> loader-statistics <==

    ld.so (Dynamic Loader)
    When a dynamically linked application is executed, the Linux loader, ld.so,
    runs first.  ld.so loads all the application's libraries and connects
    symbols that the application uses with the functions the libraries provide.
    Because different libraries were originally linked at different and possibly
    overlapping places in memory, the linker needs to sort through all the
    symbols and make sure that each lives at a different place in memory.
    When a symbol is moved from one virtual address to another, this is called
==> prelink-and-samba-tuning <==

    Optimizing application loading time
    Most Linux programs are ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) and usually
    smaller than what would seem required, because they do not include all
    needed libraries, but rather references to them, which are resolved (linked)
    when loading the code for execution.
    This is a classic time vs space compromise; the program file is smaller,

Prelinking executables Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:24:26 -0400