|   +--dd
|   +--fdtree
|   +--fs
|   +--loader
|   +--memcached
|   +--metadata
|   +--network
|   +--perflog
|   |   +--cron-perflog
|   |   +--sample-output
|   +--postgres
|   +--postmark
|   +--raid
|   +--ram
|   +--scaling
|   +--swap

Postmark vendor-independent benchmark

==> LOG <==

    BEGINNING OF LOG FOR postmark ================================================
    Sat, 21 Jul 2001 17:06:47 -0400   Karl Vogel   (vogelke at ss118u)
        Got this from
==> postmark-1_5.c <==

    Written by Jeffrey Katcher under contract to Network Appliance.
    Copyright (C) 1997-2001
    Network Appliance, Inc.
    This code has been successfully compiled and run by Network
    Appliance on various platforms, including Solaris 2 on an Ultra-170,
    and Windows NT on a Compaq ProLiant. However, this PostMark source
    code is distributed under the Artistic License appended to the end
    of this file. As such, no support is provided. However, please report
==> postmark.doc <==

    PostMark: A New File System Benchmark
    TR3022 by Jeffrey Katcher
    Preface to the Reader
      Network Appliance continues to evolve its technology and products at a
      fast pace, with significant new features and performance enhancements
      introduced every nine months or less over the past three years.
      This paper reflects the nomenclature and product characteristics
==> run <==

    # run PostMark, a file system benchmark
    # http://www.netapp.com/tech_library/3022.html
    for iosize in 1024 2048 4096 8192
        for num in 1000 20000
            for tran in 50000 100000

Postmark vendor-independent benchmark Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:24:29 -0400