I was looking for a good regular expression to capitalize sentences intelligently and found a decent set of rules for a script. Installation:
Unpack the tar file
Move capitalize.nouns and capitalize.special someplace the script can find them, like /usr/local/lib. Change the script to hold that location.
Move the capitalize script somewhere in your path.
Now give it a test-drive:
me% cat sample
i'm wondering if there is a script that would capitalize the first
letter of each sentence, assuming the character wasn't already a cap!
this filter would have to determine what was and was not a sentence.
or a sentence fragment.
me% capitalize sample
I'm wondering if there is a script that would capitalize the first
letter of each sentence, assuming the character wasn't already a cap!
This filter would have to determine what was and was not a sentence.
Or a sentence fragment.
Comments welcome.