# http://www.udcsummary.info/php/index.php # UDC "Shelfmark" Order # Here is the Directory of Networked Resources with its subject headings in # a "linear" UDC order - the order in which books are arranged on the shelf # of a library classified by UDC. 0 SCIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. ORGANIZATION. COMPUTER SCIENCE. INFORMATION. . LIBRARIANSHIP. INSTITUTIONS. PUBLICATIONS 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics 000 Generalities 000 Knowledge fundamentals 001 Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work 001.1 Concepts of science and knowledge 001.18 Future of knowledge 001.32 Learned, scientific societies. Academies 001.8 Methodology 001.89 Organization of science and scientific work 001.9 Dissemination of ideas 002 Documentation. Books. Writings. Authorship 003 Writing systems and scripts 003.01 Origins, precursors of scripts. Early forms of scripts 003.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for writing systems and scripts 003.02 Emergence of writing 003.03 Graphic expression of language 003.05 Means of producing signs and scripts 003.07 Uses and styles of writing 003.08 Characteristics of writing 003.09 Techniques and methods of deciphering scripts 003.2 Writing systems. Graphic representations of concepts 003.21 Picture writing 003.21/.23 Conventional writing systems used for general purposes of literate communities. Orthographies 003.22 Syllabic writing systems 003.23 Alphabetic writing systems 003.3 Scripts 003.5 Writing materials and equipment 003.6 Other kinds of graphic representation of thought 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing 004.01 Documentation 004.01/.08 Special auxiliary subdivision for computing 004.02 Problem-solving methods 004.03 System types and characteristics 004.04 Processing orientation 004.05 System and software quality 004.07 Memory characteristics 004.08 Input, output and storage media 004.2 Computer architecture 004.22 Data representation 004.23 Instruction set architecture 004.25 Memory system 004.27 Advanced architectures. Non-Von Neumann architectures 004.3 Computer hardware 004.31 Processing units. Processing circuits 004.32 Computer pathways 004.33 Memory units. Storage units 004.35 Peripherals. Input-output units 004.38 Computers. Kinds of computer 004.3`1 Production of computers 004.3`1/`2 Special auxiliary subdivision for hardware 004.3`2 Computer installations 004.4 Software 004.41 Software engineering 004.42 Computer programming. Computer programs 004.43 Computer languages 004.44 Programming language translation 004.45 System software 004.46 Runtime environment 004.49 Computer infections 004.4`2 Software development tools 004.4`2/`6 Special auxiliary subdivision for software 004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. User interface. environment 004.51 Display interface 004.52 Sound interface 004.55 Hypermedia. Hypertext 004.58 User help 004.6 Data 004.62 Data handling 004.63 Files 004.65 Databases and their structures 004.67 Systems for numeric data 004.7 Computer communication. Computer networks 004.71 Computer communication hardware 004.72 Network architecture 004.73 Networks according to area covered 004.738 Network interconnection. Internetworking 004.75 Distributed processing systems 004.77 General networking applications and services 004.78 Online computing systems for specific use 004.8 Artificial intelligence 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques 004.91 Document processing and production 004.92 Computer graphics 004.93 Pattern information processing 004.94 Simulation 005 Management 005.1 Management theory 005.2 Management agents. Mechanisms. Measures 005.3 Management activities 005.31 Operational research (OR) 005.32 Organizational behaviour. Management psychology 005.33 Management conditions. Factors 005.4 Processes in management 005.5 Management operations. Direction 005.6 Quality management. Total quality management (TQM) 005.7 Organizational management (OM) 005.9 Fields of management 005.91 Administrative management. Secretariat 005.92 Records management 005.93 Plant management. Physical resources management 005.94 Knowledge management 005.95/.96 Personnel management. Human Resources management 006 Standardization of products, operations, weights, measures and time 006 Standards 006.3/.8 Standards 006.8 Materials and Quality: Standards 006.82 Materials: Standards 006.83 Quality: Standards 006.91 Metrology. Weights and measures in general 006.92 Horology. Determination and standardization of time 007 Activity and organizing. Communication and control theory generally (cybernetics). 'Human engineering' 007.5 Self-acting systems 008 Civilization. Culture. Progress 01 Bibliography and bibliographies. Catalogues 010 Bibliography 011 Universal and general bibliographies 011 Bibliographies 012 Author bibliographies. Individual bibliographies 013 Collective bibliographies 014 Bibliographies of works of particular characteristics 015 Bibliographies of place 016 Special subject bibliographies 017 Catalogues in general. Subject catalogues 017 Library catalogues 017/019 Catalogues 018 Name catalogues 018 Bookshops. Online bookstores 019 Dictionary catalogues 02 Librarianship 020 Librarianship 021 Function, value, utility, creation, development of libraries 022 Library site, building, premises. Equipment 023 Library administration. Staff. Personnel 024 Relations with the public. Regulations for library use 025 Administrative departments of libraries 026 Special libraries 027 General libraries 027.6 Libraries for special classes of user 027.7 Libraries of institutions of higher education 027.8 Libraries of institutions of primary and secondary education 030 General reference works (as subject) 030 Reference works 050 Serial publications, periodicals (as subject) 050 Periodicals 06 Organizations of a general nature 06.01 Rights and obligations of members 06.01/.05 Special auxiliary subdivision for organizations and associations 06.05 Awards. Honours. Prizes. Distribution of prizes, awards 060 Organizations. Associations. Museums 061 Organizations and other types of cooperation 061.1 Governmental organizations and cooperation 061.2 Nongovernmental organizations and cooperation 061.23 Organizations with humanitarian, philanthropic aims 061.25 Secret or semi-secret organizations and movements 061.27 Foundations. Endowments. Institutions 069 Museums. Permanent exhibitions 070 Newspapers. The Press. Journalism 070 Journalism. Newspapers 08 Polygraphies. Collective works 082 Collective polygraphy 084 Pictorial material 086 Documents of particular form 087 Documents of particular origin or destination 09 Manuscripts. Rare and remarkable works 090 Manuscripts 091 Manuscripts 092 Xylographic books 093 Incunabula 094 Other precious, remarkable or rare printed works 095 Books remarkable for their binding 096 Books remarkable for their illustrations or for materials used 097 Marks of ownership or origin 1 PHILOSOPHY. PSYCHOLOGY 100 Philosophy 101 Nature and role of philosophy 11 Metaphysics 111 General metaphysics. Ontology 113/119 Cosmology. Philosophy of nature 122/129 Special metaphysics 13 Philosophy of mind and spirit. Metaphysics of spiritual life 130.1 General concepts and laws 130.2 Philosophy of culture. Cultural systems. Theory of cultural complexes 130.3 Metaphysics of spiritual life 133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena 14 Philosophical systems and points of view 140 Possible philosophical attitudes. System typology 140 Philosophical systems 141 Kinds of viewpoint 159.9 Psychology 159.9 Psychology 159.91 Psychophysiology (physiological psychology). Mental physiology 159.92 Mental development and capacity. Comparative psychology 159.93 Sensation. Sensory perception 159.94 Executive functions 159.942 Emotions. Affections. Sensibility. Feelings 159.943 Conation and movement 159.944 Work and fatigue. Efficiency 159.946 Special motor functions 159.947 Volition. Will 159.95 Higher mental processes 159.96 Special mental states and processes 159.97 Abnormal psychology 159.98 Applied psychology (psychotechnology) in general 16 Logic. Epistemology. Theory of knowledge. Methodology of logic 160 Logic 161/162 Fundamentals of logic 164 Logistic. Symbolic logic. Mathematical logic. Logical calculus 165 Theory of knowledge. Epistemology 165.6/.8 Epistemological viewpoints and doctrines 167/168 Logical methodology 17 Moral philosophy. Ethics. Practical philosophy 170 Ethics 171 Individual ethics. Human duties to oneself 172 Social ethics. Duties to one's fellow humans 173 Family ethics 176 Sexual ethics. Sexual morality 177 Ethics and society 2 RELIGION. THEOLOGY 2-1 Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of 2-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for religion 2-13 The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion/worship 2-14 God. Gods (Personalised god(s) as distinct from immanent spirits) 2-15 Nature of god(s) 2-17 The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology 2-18 Man. Mankind. Humanity. Doctrinal anthropology 2-184 Man's relation to god(s) 2-2 Evidences of religion 2-2 of religion 2-23 Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts 2-23 books. Scriptures. Religious texts 2-25 Secondary literature. Pseudo-canonical works 2-27 Critical works 2-28 Other religious texts 2-3 Persons in religion 2-31 Originator, founder, central figure of the faith 2-32 Messiah(s) 2-34 Martyrs 2-35 Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs 2-36 Saints. Bodhisattvas. Enlightened ones 2-37 Mahatmas. Gurus. Wise men 2-38 Charismatics. Persons with supernatural powers 2-4 Religious activities. Religious practice 2-42 Moral behaviour. Moral theology 2-43 Social customs and practice. Social theology 2-46 Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology in broad sense 2-47 Education in religion 2-475 Preaching (as education and instruction) 2-5 Worship broadly. Cult. Rites and ceremonies 2-523 Buildings for religious use. Ecclesiology 2-526 Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations 2-53 Acts of worship (by participants) 2-54 Ceremonies by purpose 2-55 Sacraments. Sacramentals 2-56 Celebration 2-6 Processes in religion 2-65 Comparison of religions 2-67 Relations between faiths or with society in general. Religion and society 2-7 Religious organization and administration 2-72 Nature and structure of the organized religion, church. Ecclesiology 2-73 Government of the religion 2-74 Legal administration. Religious law. Canon law 2-76 Recruitment. Missionary activity. Missions broadly. Missiology 2-77 Organizational structure of the faith, religion 2-78 Religious organizations. Religious societies and associations 2-8 Religions characterised by various properties 2-84 Properties relating to the state 2-87 Schismatic groups. Heresies 2-9 History of the faith, religion, denomination or church 200 Religion. Theology 21 Prehistoric religions. Religions of early societies 21/29 Religious systems. Religions and faiths 210 Religious philosophy 212 Prehistoric religions 213 Religions of early societies 22 Religions originating in the Far East 220 Bible: Christianity 221 Religions of China 221.3 Taoism 223 Religions of Korea 225 Religions of Japan 23 Religions originating in Indian sub-continent. Hindu religion in the sense 230 Christianity 233 Hinduism narrowly 234 Jainism 235 Sikhism 24 Buddhism 241 Hinayana Buddhism. The lesser vehicle. Theravada Buddhism. Pali school 242 Mahayana Buddhism. The great vehicle 243 Lamaism 244 Japanese Buddhism 25 Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions 251 Ancient Egyptian religion 252 Religions of Mesopotamia 254 Religions of Iran 255 Religions of classical antiquity 257 Religions of Europe 258 Religions of South and Central America. Pre-Columbian indigenous religions 26 Judaism 261 Religion of the Biblical period. Ancient Judaism. Old Testament religion 262 Ashkenazi Judaism 264 Sephardi Judaism 265 Orthodox Judaism 266 Progressive Judaism 267 Modern movements arising from Judaism 27 Christianity 271 Eastern Church. Eastern Christianity 271/279 Christian churches and denominations 272 Roman Catholic church 272/273 Catholic church 272/279 Western Church. Western Christianity 273 Non-Roman Catholic episcopal churches 274 Protestantism generally. Protestants. Dissenters. Puritans 274/278 Protestant churches 275 Re-formed churches 276 Anabaptists 277 Free churches. Non-conformists 278 Other protestant churches 279 Modern Christian movements and churches 28 Islam 281 Sufism 282 Sunni. Sunnite Islam 284 Shi'a. Shi'ite Islam 285 Babi-Baha'i 286 Baha'i 29 Modern spiritual movements 290 All other religions 291 Comparative religion 292 Ancient Greek and Roman religions 293 Nordic mythology 294 Buddhism and Hinduism 294.3 Buddhism 294.5 Hinduism 295 Parseeism 296 Judaism 297 Islam 299 World Religions. Religions not mentioned 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES 300 Methodology : Social sciences 300 Social sciences 303 Methods of the social sciences 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise) 305 Gender studies 308 Sociography. Descriptive studies of society (both qualitative and ) 310 Demography. Sociology. Statistics 311 Statistics as a science. Statistical theory 311.1 Fundamentals, bases of statistics 311.2 Research technique. Preparation. Tabulation 311.3 General organization of statistics. Official statistics 311.4 Private statistics 314 Demography. Population studies 314.1 Population 314/316 Society 316 Sociology 316.1 Object and scope of sociology 316.2 Sociological points of view and trends 316.3 Social structure. Society as a social system 316.33 Basic elements and subsystems of global societies as sociological 316.34 Social stratification. Social differentiation 316.35 Social groups. Social organizations 316.36 Marriage and family 316.4 Social processes. Social dynamics 316.6 Social psychology 316.7 Sociology of culture. Cultural context of social life 32 Politics 320 Politics 321 Forms of political organization. States as political powers 322 Relations between church and state. Policy towards religion. Church policy 323 Home affairs. Internal policy 323.1 Nationalist, popular, ethnic movements and problems. National and minorities 323.2 Relation between people and state. Internal political activities 323.4 Class war. Forms of class warfare 324 Elections. Plebiscites. Referendums. Election campaigns. Electoral , malpractice. Election results 325 Opening up of territories. Colonization. Colonialism 326 Slavery. Involuntary, unfree labour 327 International relations. World, global politics. International . Foreign policy 327.2 Imperialism. Imperialistic policy. Political expansionism 327.3 Internationalism. International movements, objectives 327.5 International blocs. Tension, conflict 327.7 Activity of international and intergovernmental organizations 327.8 Political influence, pressure, on other states 328 Parliaments. Representation of the people. Governments 329 Political parties and movements 33 Economics. Economic science 330 Economics in general 330 Economics 330.1 Science of economics. Basic economic concepts, theory. Value. Capital. 330.3 Dynamics of the economy. Economic movement 330.34 Development studies 330.4 Mathematical economics 330.5 National property. National assets. Social product. Balance of the . Estimation of national product 330.8 History of economic theories, doctrines, dogmas 331 Labour. Employment. Work. Labour economics. Organization of labour 331 Employment. Job vacancies 331.1 Theory and organization of work. Relations between business firms and 331.2 Salaries. Wages. Remuneration. Pay 331.3 Working conditions other than pay 331.4 Working environment. Workplace design. Occupational safety. Hygiene at . Accidents at work 331.5 Labour market. Employment 332 Regional economics. Territorial economics. Land economics. Housing 332.1 Regional economics. Territorial economics 332.2 Land economics 332.3 Land use 332.5 Land requirement. Long-term planning of land use 332.6 Land value. Value of plots, sites, holdings. Real-estate value. . Rents 332.7 Trade in land, in real estate 332.8 Economics of housing 334 Forms of organization and cooperation in the economy 336 Finance 336.1 Public sector finance. Government finance in general 336.2 Public revenue 336.5 Public expenditure. State expenditure 336.7 Money. Monetary system. Banking. Stock exchanges 338 Economic situation. Economic policy. Management of the economy. planning. Production. Services. Prices 338.1 Economic situation. Trade cycle. Development of economic structure. Growth 338.2 Economic policy. Control of the economy. Management of the economy. planning 338.3 Production 338.4 Production and services according to economic sectors 338.48 Tourism 338.5 Prices. Price formation. Costs 339 Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy 339.1 General questions of trade and commerce. Market 339.3 Inland trade. Internal trade. Domestic trade 339.5 Foreign trade. External trade. International trade 339.7 International finance 339.9 International economy generally. International economic relations. economy 34 Law. Jurisprudence 340 Law in general. Legal methods and auxiliary sciences 340 Law 340.1 Types and forms of law 340.13 Positive law. Legal norm. Enacted law. Statute law. Ius scriptum. of legal norm. Rules of its application 340.14 Unwritten law. Non-statute law. Ius non scriptum. Other sources of law 340.5 Comparative law 340.6 Auxiliary legal sciences. Forensic psychology. Forensic chemistry. medicine 341 International law 341.1 Law of international organizations 341.1/.8 Public international law. Law of nations 341.2 Persons and things in international law 341.3 Law of war. International legal relations in war 341.4 International criminal law 341.6 International arbitration. International adjudication, jurisdiction 341.7 Diplomatic law. Laws of diplomacy 341.8 Consular law 341.9 International private law. Conflict of laws 342 Public law. Constitutional law. Administrative law 342.1 State. People. Nation. Power of the state 342.2 State. Structure of states 342.3 Supreme authority. Sovereignty. Forms of state. Forms of government 342.4 Constitutions. Legislative assemblies. National assemblies 342.5 Power of the state. System and function of organs of government 342.6 Executive power of the state. Central organs of state government 342.7 Fundamental rights. Human rights. Rights and duties of the citizen 342.8 Electoral law. Voting. Electoral systems 342.9 Administrative law 343 Criminal law. Penal offences 343 Criminal law 343.1 Criminal justice. Criminal investigation. Criminal proceedings 343.2 Criminal law proper 343.2/.7 Criminal law 343.3 Offences against the state 343.3/.7 Particular offences. Specific punishable acts 343.4 Offences against fundamental liberties, human rights 343.5 Offences against public credit, morality, the family 343.6 Offences against the person 343.8 Punishment. Execution of sentence. Crime prevention. Deterrence 343.9 Criminology. Criminal sciences. Criminalistics 344 Special criminal law. Military, naval, air force laws 346 Economic law. Law of government control of the economy 346.2 Subjects of economic law 346.3 Economic liabilities. Economic contracts 346.5 Regulation of economic order and control 346.6 Regulation of prices, tariffs, finance, credits and accounts 346.7 Regulation of individual sectors of the economy 346.9 Enforcement of economic law. Sanctions. Supervision. Commercial . Settlement. Legal protection 347 Civil law 347.1 Generalities of civil law 347.2 Law of realty. Real rights. Things. Chattels 347.3 Movables in general. Personalty 347.4 Commitments. Contractual liabilities. Bonds. Contracts. Agreements 347.5 Noncontractual liabilities. Torts 347.6 Family law. Law of inheritance. Heirs. Successors 347.7 Commercial law. Company law 347.8 Laws of air, space, ether 347.9 Legal procedure. Judiciary personnel and organization 348 Ecclesiastical law. Canon law. Religious law (option) 349 Special branches of law. Miscellaneous legal matters 35 Public administration. Government. Military affairs 350 Government 351 Particular activities of public administration 352 Lowest levels of administration. Local government. Municipal . Local authorities 352 Local government 352/354 Levels of administration. Local, regional, central administration 353 Middle levels of administration. Regional, provincial government. authorities 353 Regional government 353.1 Primary divisions of a country. Regions (generally). States in a 353.2 Provincial governments. Provinces. Departments. Counties 353.5 Divisions of provinces. Subprefectures. Arrondissements. Kreise 353.8 Special kinds of regional administration 353.9 Independent administration of regions of a country. Ministries of regions 354 High level, top level of administration. Central, national government 354 Central government 354.1 Ministries for general business 355 Military affairs generally 355 Military science. War 355.1 Armed forces generally. Armed services. Military life 355.2 Recruitment of forces. Requisition of supplies, resources. War . Levies 355.3 General organization of the armed forces 355.4 War operations in general. Tactics. Strategy. Theatre of war. History campaigns 355.5 Service in, tactics of, particular forces and units. Training of and officers. Tactical exercises 355.6 Military administration 355.7 Military establishments: organization, functions 355/359 Military affairs. Art of war. Military science. Defence. Armed forces 356 Army service generally. Infantry. Foot soldiers 356/358 Individual branches of land and air forces 357 Cavalry. Mounted troops. Motorized troops 358 Artillery. Engineers. Aviation. Various technical units and their function 358.1 Artillery 358.4 Military aviation. Flying corps. Air force 359 Naval forces. Military fleet. Navy: personnel, organization 36 Safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life 360 Social welfare and relief 364 Social welfare 364-1 Theories of social welfare 364-2 Principles of assistance 364-3 Social welfare agencies. Social welfare organizations 364-4 People as providers of social welfare assistance 364-5 Social welfare facilities 364-6 Contributions and payments 364-7 Social welfare operations. Welfare effort. Social services. Service 364.2 Basic human needs. Requirements for well-being 364.3 Social benefits. Social allowances. Social insurance. Social assistance 364.4 Fields of practice in social work 364.6 Social welfare issues 365 Accommodation desires and their fulfilment. Safeguarding accommodation 366 Consumerism 368 Insurance. Communal provision through sharing of risk 368 Insurance 37 Education 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory, policy, etc. 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and of education 37.02 General questions of didactics and method 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance 37.06 Social problems. Human contacts, relationships 37.07 Management aspects of educational institutions 37.09 Organization of instruction 370 Education 372 Elementary education 373 Kinds of school providing general education 373.5 Secondary education 374 Education and training out of school. Further education 374 Further education 376 Education, teaching, training of special groups of persons. Special schools 376 Special education 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. colleges, institutes. Polytechnics 377 Vocational education 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study 378 Higher education 379.8 Leisure 39 Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Customs. Manners. Traditions. Way life 390 Ethnology 391 Costume. Clothing. National dress. Fashion. Adornment 392 Customs, manners, usage in private life 393 Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites 394 Public life. Pageantry. Social life. Life of the people 395 Social ceremonial. Etiquette. Good manners. Social forms. Rank. Title 396 Feminism. Women's studies 398 Folklore in the strict sense 5 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES 500 Science 502 The environment and its protection 502.3/.7 Parts of the environment 502/504 Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to environment and protection against them 504 Threats to the environment 504 Environmental science 51 Mathematics 510 Fundamental and general considerations of mathematics 510 Mathematics 510.2 General problems of mathematical logic. Foundations of mathematics 510.3 Set theory 510.6 Mathematical logic 511 Number theory 511 Number theory 512 Algebra 512 Algebra 512.7 Algebraic geometry 514 Geometry 514 Geometry 514.7 Differential geometry. Algebraic and analytic methods in geometry 515.1 Topology 515.1 Topology: Mathematics 517 Analysis 517 Analysis: Mathematics 517.9 Differential equations. Integral equations. Other functional . Finite differences. Calculus of variations. Functional analysis 518 Computing 518.1 Application software 518.11 Application software A-F 518.110 Accountancy systems: Application software 518.111 Artificial intelligence: Application software 518.112 Calendar processors: Application software 518.113 Data analysis software 518.113.11 Data visualisation: Application software 518.114 Database management systems: Application software 518.116 Desk top publishing: Application software 518.117 Educational software 518.12 Application software F-P 518.122 Graphics: Application software 518.122.1 Graphics: Application software 518.122.12 Computer aided design: Application software 518.122.13 Drawing programs: Application 518.122.15 Mapping programs: Application 518.123 Hypertext processors 518.124 Information retrieval software 518.128 Planning and management 518.129 Process control software 518.13 Application software P-Z 518.132 Simulation software 518.133 Software development tools 518.135 Statistical processors: Application software 518.138 Text processors: Application 518.139 Training software 518.2 Utility programs 518.21 Utility programs A-D 518.216 Communications software 518.218 Data management: Utility 518.22 Utility programs D-F 518.225 File conversion programs 518.23 Utility programs G-P 518.237 Printing utilities: Computing 518.237.1 Font editors, Font libraries 518.237.12 Font libraries: Computing 518.24 Utility programs S-Z 518.243 Security systems: Utility 518.3 Systems software 518.31 Systems software 518.310 Device drivers: Systems 518.312 Operating systems: Computing 518.314 System monitors: Computing 518.41 Datasets 518.410 Digitised data: Computing 518.412 Textual data: Computing 518.5 Hardware: Computing 518.7 Programming languages 519 Combinatorics, Probability, Cybernetics, OR 519.1 Combinatorial analysis. Graph theory 519.1 Combinatorics: Mathematics 519.2 Probability. Mathematical statistics 519.2 Probability: Mathematics 519.6 Computational mathematics. Numerical analysis 519.7 Mathematical cybernetics 519.7 Cybernetics, Mathematical 519.8 Operational research (OR): mathematical theories and methods 519.8 Operational research 519.83 Game theory 519.85 Mathematical programming 52 Astronomy. Astrophysics. Space research. Geodesy 520 Astronomical instruments and techniques 520 Astronomy 521 Theoretical astronomy. Celestial mechanics 521 Theoretical astronomy 521.9 Astrometry. Spherical astronomy 523 The Solar System 523 Solar system 523.3 Earth-Moon system 523.4 Planets and their satellites. Planetology 523.6 Interplanetary medium. Comets. Meteors. Meteorites 523.9 The Sun. Solar physics 524 Stars. Stellar systems. The Universe 524.1 Cosmic rays. Primary cosmic rays 524.3 Stars 524.4 Star clusters. Associations of stars 524.5 Interstellar medium. Galactic nebulae 524.6 The Galaxy (Milky Way) 524.7 Extragalactic systems 524.8 The Universe. Metagalaxy. Cosmology 528 Geodesy. Surveying. Photogrammetry. Remote sensing. Cartography 528 Geodesy. Surveying 528.1 Theory of errors and adjustment in geodesy and photogrammetry 528.2 Figure of the Earth. Earth measurement. Mathematical geodesy. Physical . Astronomical geodesy 528.3 Geodetic surveying 528.4 Field surveying. Land surveying. Cadastral survey. Topography. survey. Special fields of surveying 528.5 Geodetic instruments and equipment 528.7 Photogrammetry: aerial, terrestrial 528.8 Remote sensing 528.8 Remote sensing 528.9 Cartography. Mapping (textual documents) 528.9 Cartography. Mapping 53 Physics 53.01 Theory and nature of phenomena 53.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for physics 53.02 General laws of phenomena 53.03 Production and causes of phenomena 53.04 Effects of phenomena 53.05 Observation and recording of phenomena. Visual indication of phenomena 53.06 Application, utilization of phenomena 53.07 Apparatus for production and study of phenomena 53.08 General principles and theory of measurement and the design of apparatus. Measurement methods 53.09 Dependence of phenomena on certain fundamental physical effects 530 Physics 531 General mechanics. Mechanics of solid and rigid bodies 531-1 One-dimensional. Lines 531-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for mechanics 531-2 Two-dimensional. Planes. Surfaces 531-3 Three-dimensional. Bodies. Spaces 531-4 Hyperspace (space of more than three dimensions) 531-9 Non-Euclidean spaces 531.1 Kinematics. Mathematical-mechanical geometry of motion 531.2 Statics. Forces. Equilibrium. Attraction 531.3 Dynamics. Kinetics 531.4 Work. Weight. Mass. Friction. Passive resistance 531.5 Gravity. Gravitation. Pendulums. Ballistics 531.6 Mechanical energy. Conservation of mechanical energy 531.7 Measurement of geometric and mechanical quantities: instruments, and units 531.8 Theory of machines. Technical mechanics in general 531/534 Mechanics 532 Fluid mechanics in general. Mechanics of liquids (hydromechanics) 532.1 Hydrostatics in general 532.2 Equilibrium of liquids 532.3 Immersed bodies (submerged bodies). Floating bodies 532.5 Liquid motion. Hydrodynamics 532.6 Surface phenomena. Surface tension. Capillarity 532.7 Kinetic theory of liquids. Osmosis. Solution and solutions 533 Mechanics of gases. Aeromechanics. Plasma physics 533.1 Properties of gases 533.2 Elasticity. Compressibility. Liquefaction. Gas mixing. Gaseous mixtures 533.5 Rarefied gases. Vacuum physics 533.6 Aerodynamics 533.7 Kinetic theory of gases. Continuity of state 533.9 Plasma physics 534 Vibrations. Waves. Acoustics 534.1 Vibration of bodies. Excitation of vibrations. Vibratory formations distributed mass and elasticity 534.2 Propagation of vibrations. Processes in the acoustic field 534.3 Musical sounds and perception 534.4 Analysis and synthesis of sounds 534.5 Composition of vibrations 534.6 Acoustic measurements 534.7 Physiological acoustics. Medical acoustics 534.8 Applications of acoustics (theory) 535 Optics 535-1 Long waves. Infrared 535-1/-3 Radiation according to wavelength. Hertzian waves. Light colours 535-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for optics 535-2 Visible light. Colours 535-3 Short waves 535-4 Polarized light 535-5 Natural light 535-6 Partially polarized light 535-7 Totally reflected light 535.1 Theory of light 535.2 Propagation and energetics of radiation. Photometry 535.3 Propagation. Reflection. Refraction. Absorption. Emission 535.4 Interference. Diffraction. Scattering by diffraction 535.5 Polarization. Double refraction. Dispersion in anisotropic bodies 535.6 Colours and their properties. Colour theory 535.8 Applications of optics in general 536 Heat. Thermodynamics. Statistical physics 536.1 General theory of heat 536.2 Heat conduction. Heat transfer 536.3 Effect of bodies on heat radiation 536.4 Effect of heat input and temperature on volume and structure of bodies 536.5 Temperature. Temperature scales. Temperature measurement. . Temperature control 536.6 Measurement of heat quantity. Calorimetry 536.7 Thermodynamics. Energetics 537 Electricity. Magnetism. Electromagnetism 537 Electricity 537.2 Static electricity. Electrostatics 537.3 Current electricity. Electric current. Electrokinetics 537.5 Electron and ion phenomena 537.6 Magnetism 537.6/.8 Magnetism. Electromagnetism 537.8 Electromagnetism. Electromagnetic field. Electrodynamics 538.9 Condensed matter physics. Solid state physics 539 Physical nature of matter 539.1 Nuclear physics. Atomic physics. Molecular physics 539.2 Properties and structure of molecular systems 539.3 Elasticity. Deformation. Mechanics of elastic solids 539.4 Strength. Resistance to stress 539.5 Properties of materials affecting deformability 539.6 Intermolecular forces 539.8 Other physico-mechanical effects 54 Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy 54-1 State of substance 54-1/-4 Special auxiliary subdivision for state of substance, chemicals 54-3 Particular kinds of compound 54-4 Chemicals. Reagents 54.01 Chemical substances and systems. Origin. Occurrence. Phases 54.01/.08 Special auxiliary subdivision for composition, production, preparation analysis 54.02 Composition. Structure. Isotopes 54.05 Production. Preparation. Isolation. Purification etc. 54.06 Analysis, investigation and handling in general 54.07 Apparatus and equipment for preparation, investigation and analysis 54.08 Measurement principles, methods, techniques. Instrumentation 540 Chemistry 542 Practical laboratory chemistry. Preparative and experimental chemistry 542 Laboratory chemistry 542.1 Chemical laboratories 542.2 Laboratory apparatus and instrumentation in general. Laboratory in general 542.3 Measurement of weight, mass. Measurement of volume 542.4 Heat and cold application 542.5 Use of flames. Blowlamps 542.6 Working with liquids 542.7 Working with gases 542.8 Physical, physicochemical and electrical operations 542.9 Chemical reactions. Special chemical processes 543 Analytical chemistry 543 Analytical chemistry 543.2 Chemical methods of analysis 543.3 Water sampling and analysis 543.4 Spectral analysis methods. Optical analysis methods 543.5 Physicochemical methods of analysis (other than optical methods) 543.6 Analysis of different substances. Analytical control in production 543.9 Analysis by biological and biochemical reactions. Biological methods for analytical purposes 544 Physical chemistry 544 Physical chemistry 544.01 Chemical substances and systems. Origin. Natural state. Phases 544.01/.07 Special auxiliary subdivision for physical chemistry 544.02 Chemical composition. Structure. Isotopes etc. 544.03 Physical properties and phenomena. Constants. Effects acting on state properties of matter 544.07 Instruments and equipment 544.1 Chemical structure of matter 544.2 Physical chemistry of solids, liquids and gases 544.3 Chemical thermodynamics 544.4 Chemical kinetics. Catalysis 544.5 Chemistry of high energy processes 544.6 Electrochemistry 544.7 Chemistry of surface phenomena and colloids 546 Inorganic chemistry 546.1 Nonmetals and metalloids in general 546.3 Metals in general 547 Organic chemistry 547.1 Classification of organic compounds. Element-organic compounds 548 Crystallography 548 Crystallography 548.1 Mathematical crystallography. Continuum theory of crystals 548.2 Crystal growths. Crystalline aggregates 548.3 Crystal chemistry 548.4 Irregularities in crystals 548.5 Formation, growth and solution of crystals 548.7 Fine structure of crystals. Discontinuum theory of crystals 548/549 Mineralogical sciences. Crystallography. Mineralogy 549 Mineralogy. Special study of minerals 549 Mineralogy 549.2 Native elements and alloys 549.2/.8 Systematic mineralogy 549.3 Sulphides. Sulpho-salts 549.4 Halides 549.5 Oxygen compounds 549.6 Silicates. Titanates. Zirconates. Stannates 549.7 Other compounds of oxyacids 549.8 Organic minerals 55 Earth Sciences. Geological sciences 550 Ancillary sciences of geology 550 Earth sciences 550.1 Physiography 550.2 Geoastronomy. Cosmogony 550.3 Geophysics 550.3 Geophysics 550.34 Seismology 550.4 Geochemistry 550.7 Geobiology. Geological actions of organisms 550.8 Applied geology and geophysics. Geological prospecting and . Interpretation of results 550.93 Geochronology. Geological dating. Determination of absolute geological age 551 General geology. Meteorology. Climatology. Historical geology. . Palaeogeography 551.1 General structure of the Earth 551.1 Geology 551.1/.4 General geology 551.2 Internal geodynamics (endogenous processes) 551.21 Vulcanicity. Vulcanism. Volcanoes. Eruptive phenomena. Eruptions 551.21 Volcanoes: Geology 551.24 Geotectonics 551.3 External geodynamics (exogenous processes) 551.3 Glaciology/marine deposits 551.32 Glaciology 551.32 Glaciology 551.35 Marine deposits 551.4 Geomorphology. Study of the Earth's physical forms 551.4 Geomorphology 551.44 Speleology. Caves. Fissures. Underground waters 551.46 Physical oceanography. Submarine topography. Ocean floor 551.46 Oceanography 551.5 Meteorology 551.5 Meteorology 551.58 Climatology 551.7 Historical geology. Stratigraphy 551.8 Palaeogeography 552 Petrology. Petrography 552 Petrology 552.1 Rock characteristics and properties generally. Physical and petrology 552.3 Magmatic rocks. Igneous rocks 552.3/.6 Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic petrology 552.4 Metamorphic rocks 552.5 Sedimentary rocks 552.6 Meteorites 553 Economic geology. Mineral deposits 553.2 Ore formation. Mineral formation 553.3 Ore deposits (metalliferous mineral deposits) in general. Iron and ores 553.3/.9 Ore and other mineral deposits. Natural resources 553.4 Ore deposits other than iron and manganese 553.5 Natural stone deposits 553.6 Deposits of various inorganic economic minerals and earths (mainly ) 553.7 Mineral springs 553.8 Deposits of precious and semiprecious stones. Gemstone deposits 553.9 Deposits of carbonaceous rocks. Hydrocarbon deposits 556 Hydrosphere. Water in general. Hydrology 556 Hydrosphere 556.3 Groundwater hydrology. Geohydrology. Hydrogeology 556.5 Surface-water hydrology. Land hydrology 56 Palaeontology 560 Palaeontology 57 Biological sciences in general 57.01 General laws. Theoretical aspects. Characteristics. Properties 57.01/.08 Special auxiliary subdivision for theoretical aspects, , factors, etc. in biology 57.02 Biological and ethological processes 57.03 Pattern of property variations 57.04 Factors. Influences 57.05 Characteristics dependent on control processes. Principles of control at various levels 57.06 Nomenclature and classification of organisms. Taxonomy 57.07 Analytical palaeontology 57.08 Biological techniques, experimental methods and equipment in general 570 Biology 572 Physical anthropology 572 Anthropology 572.1/.4 Anthropogeny. Human development in general. Origin of the human species 572.9 Special anthropogeography. Individual human ancestry groups 573 General and theoretical biology 574 General ecology and biodiversity 574 Ecology 575 General genetics. General cytogenetics 575 Genetics 576 Cellular and subcellular biology. Cytology 576 Cell biology. Cytology 577 Material bases of life. Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics 577 Biochemistry. Molecular 578 Virology 579 Microbiology 579 Microbiology 579.2 General microbiology 579.6 Applied microbiology 579.8 Classification and systematics of microorganisms 58 Botany 580 Botany 581 General botany 581.1 Plant physiology 581.2 Plant diseases. Plant pathology. Phytopathology 581.3 Embryology of plants 581.4 Plant morphology. Plant anatomy 581.5 Habits of plants. Plant behaviour. Plant ecology. Plant ethology. The and its environment. Bionomics of plants 581.6 Applied botany. Use of plants. Technobotany. Economic botany 581.8 Plant histology 581.9 Geographic botany. Plant geography (phytogeography). Floras. distribution of plants 582 Systematic botany 582.091 Trees (large woody plants with trunk) 582.091/.099 Special auxiliary subdivisions for classification of plants according size and form 582.093 Shrubs (smaller woody plants without single trunk) 582.095 Undergrowth. Undershrubs (e.g. brambles - Rosoideae) 582.097 Woody climbers (e.g. ivy - Araliaceae) 582.099 Herbaceous or non-woody plants (often called 'plants' or 'flowers') 582.23 Bacteria (as plants) 582.24 Protista (protists). Chromista 582.261/.279 Algae 582.28 Fungi. Eumycota / Eumycetes (true fungi). Moulds 582.29 Lichens 582.32 Bryophyta (Musci) 582.32/.998 Plantae (plants) 582.361/.99 Tracheophyta (vascular plants) 582.37/.39 Pteridophyta. Ferns. Fern allies. Fernlike spore plants 582.4 Spermatophyta (phanerogams / seed plants) 582.42/.49 Gymnosperms (naked seed plants) 582.44 Cycadophyta (cycads). Cycadopsida 582.46 Ginkgophyta. Ginkgoopsida. Ginkgoales 582.47 Pinophyta / Coniferae (conifers). Pinopsida 582.5 Monocotyledoneae / Liliopsida (monocotyledons / monocots) 582.5/.9 Magnoliophyta (angiosperms / covered seed plants) 582.51 Arecales (palms). Pandanales. Acorales. Petrosaviales 582.53 Alismatales 582.54 Poales 582.54/.56 Commelinids 582.56 Zingiberales 582.57 Liliales / Liliiflorae 582.58 Asparagales 582.6/.9 Dicotyledoneae / Magnoliopsida (dicotyledons / dicots) 582.62 Fagales 582.622 Betulaceae (birch family) 582.623 Fagaceae (beech family) 582.628 Juglandaceae (walnut family) 582.63 Rosales 582.634 Moraceae (mulberry family) 582.637 Ulmaceae (elm family) 582.639 Rosaceae (rose family) 582.65 Nymphaeales. Ranunculales. Sabiales 582.66 Caryophyllales / Centrospermae 582.67 Magnoliids (scientifically outdated) 582.672 Piperales 582.673 Laurales 582.677 Magnoliales 582.68 Dilleniidae (scientifically outdated) 582.681 Malpighiales 582.682 Cucurbitales 582.683 Brassicales / Capparidales / Capparales 582.685 Malvales 582.688 Ericales 582.7 Rosidae (rosids) 582.70 Saxifragales 582.73 Fabales 582.74 Sapindales 582.75 Geraniales 582.77 Myrtales 582.79 Apiales 582.82 Vitales 582.9 Asteridae (asterids) 582.92 Gentianales 582.93 Solanales 582.94 Lamiales 582.99 Asterales 59 Zoology 590 Zoology 591 General zoology 591.1 Animal physiology 591.2 Diseases of (undomesticated) animals. Animal pathology 591.3 Animal embryology. Animal ontogeny. Development of the individual organism 591.4 Study of animal organs. Animal organology. Animal anatomy. Zootomy 591.5 Animal habits. Animal behaviour. Ecology. Ethology. Animal and . Bionomy 591.6 Economic zoology. Applied zoology 591.8 Animal histology 591.9 Geographic zoology. Zoogeography. Fauna. Geographic distribution of 592 Invertebrata (invertebrates) 592/599 Systematic zoology 593.1 Protozoa 593.4 Porifera (sponges) 594 Mollusca. Bryozoa. Brachiopoda 595 Articulata 595.7 Hexapoda. Insecta (insects) 596 Vertebrata: Zoology 596.2 Tunicata / Urochordata (tunicates) 596/599 Chordata 597.2/.5 Pisces (fishes) (scientifically outdated) 597.3 Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) 597.31 Elasmobranchii 597.311 Galeomorphii 597.317 Batoidea 597.4/.5 Osteichthyes (bony fishes) 597.42 Chondrostei 597.42/.55 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) 597.5 Teleostei (teleosts) 597.535 Anguilliformes 597.541 Clupeiformes 597.55 Euteleosti / Euteleostei 597.551 Ostariophysi 597.552 Protacanthopterygii 597.555 Paracanthopterygii 597.556 Acanthopterygii (spiny finned fishes) 597.6/.9 Amphibia (amphibians) 597.7 Gymnophiona (caecilians) 597.8 Anura (tailless amphibians) 597.9 Caudata (tailed amphibians) 597.91 Sirenidae 597.94 Salamandridae 597/599 Vertebrata (vertebrates) 598 Sauropsida. Synapsida 598.1 Reptilia (reptiles) 598.1/.2 Sauropsida 598.125 Testudinidae (tortoises) 598.16 Squamata (scaled reptiles) 598.161 Lacertilia (lizards) 598.162 Serpentes / Ophidia (snakes, serpents, ophidians) 598.166 Amphisbaenia (worm-lizards) 598.18 Crurotarsi 598.182 Crocodylomorpha 598.19 Avemetatarsalia (extinct) 598.191 Pterosauria (pterosaurs ) (extinct) 598.192 Dinosauria (dinosaurs) (extinct) 598.192.32 Tyrannosauridae (extinct) 598.192.63 Diplodocidae (extinct) 598.192.77 Ceratopsidae (extinct) 598.2 Aves (birds) 598.221 Struthioniformes (ratites) 598.231 Sphenisciformes. Spheniscidae (penguins) 598.233 Podicipediformes. Podicipedidae (grebes) 598.234 Procellariiformes 598.235 Pelecaniformes 598.24 Gruiformes. Charadriiformes. Ciconiiformes 598.241 Gruiformes 598.243 Charadriiformes 598.244 Ciconiiformes 598.25 Anseriformes 598.26 Galliformes. Columbiformes 598.271 Psittaciformes 598.272 Piciformes 598.274 Cuculiformes. Opisthocomiformes 598.279 Cathartiformes. Accipitriformes. Falconiformes. Strigiformes 598.282 Menuridae. Maluridae. Pardalotidae. Meliphagidae. Promeropidae. Callaeidae 598.283 Alaudidae 598.284 Hirundinidae 598.285 Motacillidae 598.286 Pycnonotidae. Aegithalidae. Acrocephalidae 598.287 Bombycillidae. Dulidae. Ptilogonatidae. Hypocoliidae 598.288 Cinclidae. Troglodytidae. Mimidae. Prunellidae. Turdidae. Silviidae. . Timaliidae 598.289 Paridae. Sittidae. Certhiidae. Orthonychidae 598.291 Nectariniidae (sunbirds). Zosteropidae (white-eyes). Dicaeidae (flowerpeckers). Dicruridae (drongos). Monarchidae (monarch ). Pachycephalidae (whistlers) 598.292 Oriolidae (orioles). Laniidae (true shrikes). Irenidae (fairy-bluebirds). Regulidae (crests). Picathartidae (rockfowls) 598.293 Corvidae. Paradisaeidae (birds of paradise). Ptilonorhynchidae (bowerbirds). Climacteridae. Artamidae. Corcoracidae 598.294 Sturnidae. Passeridae. Ploceidae. Estrildidae 598.296 Fringillidae. Parulidae. Thraupidae. Emberizidae. Icteridae 599 Mammalia (mammals) 599.1 Prototheria 599.2 Metatheria 599.22 Diprotodontia 599.3/.8 Eutheria (placental mammals) 599.31 Pholidota. Xenarthra 599.311 Pholidota / Squamata. Manidae 599.312 Xenarthra / Edentata (xenarthrans / edentates) 599.32 Rodentia. Lagomorpha 599.322 Sciuromorpha. Castorimorpha. Anomaluromorpha 599.324 Hystricomorpha 599.325 Lagomorpha (lagomorphs) 599.35/.38 Insectivora (insectivorous mammals) 599.36 Soricomorpha. Erinaceomorpha 599.39 Dermoptera. Cynocephalidae 599.4 Chiroptera (bats) 599.5 Cetacea. Sirenia 599.51 Mysticeti (baleen whales) 599.53 Odontoceti (toothed whales) 599.55 Sirenia (sirenians / sea cows) 599.61 Proboscidea (proboscideans) 599.61/.73 Ungulata (ungulates / hoofed mammals) 599.62 Hyracoidea. Procaviidae 599.68 Tubulidentata. Orycteropodidae 599.72 Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) 599.721 Tapiridae (tapirs) 599.722 Rhinocerotidae (rhinoceroses) 599.723 Equidae 599.73 Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) 599.735 Ruminantia (ruminants) 599.74 Carnivora (carnivorans) 599.742.5 Viverridae 599.742.6 Hyaenidae 599.742.7 Felidae 599.743 Herpestidae. Eupleridae. Nandiniidae 599.744 Canidae. Ursidae. Musteloidea 599.745 Pinnipedia 599.78 Scandentia (treeshrews) 599.8 Primates 599.81 Prosimii (prosimians) 599.813 Lorisidae / Loriidae 599.815 Lemuridae. Lepilemuridae 599.818 Tarsiiformes. Tarsiidae (tarsiers) 599.82 Platyrrhini (New World monkeys) 599.82/.89 Simiiformes (simians) 599.85 Cercopithecoidea. Cercopithecidae 599.88 Hylobatidae (lesser apes) 599.88/.89 Hominoidea 599.89 Hominidae (hominids / great apes) 6 APPLIED SCIENCES. MEDICINE. TECHNOLOGY 60 Biotechnology 600 Applied science 601 Fundamental concepts 602 Processes and techniques in biotechnology 604 Biotechnology products 606 Applications of biotechnology 608 Issues in biotechnology 61 Medical sciences 610 Medical sciences 611 Anatomy. Human and comparative anatomy 611 Anatomy 611/612 Human biology 612 Physiology. Human and comparative physiology 612 Physiology 612.1 Blood. Cardiovascular, circulatory system 612.1/.8 Systematic physiology 612.2 Respiration. Breathing. Respiratory system 612.3 Alimentation. Eating. Digestion. Nutrition 612.4 Glandular system. Secretion. Excretion 612.5 Animal heat. Thermal processes 612.6 Reproduction. Growth. Development 612.7 Motor functions. Organs of locomotion. Voice. Integument 612.8 Nervous system. Sensory organs 613 Hygiene generally. Personal health and hygiene 613 Hygiene. Personal hygiene 613.2 Dietetics. Nutrition principles applied to feeding and foods 613.3 Drinks. Curative drinks. Medicinal waters. Liquid diet 613.4 Personal hygiene. Clothing 613.5 Hygiene of dwellings 613.6 Occupational health hazards. Occupational health and hygiene 613.7 Health and hygiene of leisure, recreation, sleep 613.8 Health and hygiene of the nervous system. Health and ethics 613.9 Health and hygiene in relation to age, sex, ethnicity 614 Public health and hygiene. Accident prevention 614 Public health 614.1 Population. Depopulation 614.2 Public and professional organization of health 614.3 Sanitary inspection and control 614.39 National health services 614.4 Prevention and control of communicable (infectious, contagious) . Prevention of epidemics 614.6 Cemetery hygiene. Disposal of the dead 614.7 Hygiene of air, water, soil. Pollution and its control 614.8 Accidents. Risks. Hazards. Accident prevention. Personal protection. 614.9 Animal health. Veterinary hygiene 615 Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology 615 Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology 615.1 General and professional pharmacy 615.2 Medicaments according to their principal action 615.3 Medicaments according to their origin 615.4 Pharmaceutical preparations. Medical material. Equipment 615.8 Physiotherapy. Physical therapy. Radiotherapy. Other nonmedicinal treatment 615.9 General toxicology. General studies of poisons and poisoning (intoxication) 616 Pathology. Clinical medicine 616 Pathology 616-001 Traumata. Injuries. Wounds 616-001/-009 Special auxiliary subdivision for morbid processes 616-002 Inflammation. Irritation. Engorgement (hyperaemia). Mucous congestion 616-003 Regressive and reparative processes 616-004 Sclerosis. Hardening (induration). Cirrhosis 616-005 Local circulatory disorders 616-006 Tumours. Neoplasms. Blastomata. Choristomata. Hamartomata. Oncology 616-007 Defective structural development. Physiological deformities. . Hemiterata. Oversized, undersized organs. Teratology. . Abnormalities 616-008 Functional and metabolic disorders 616-009 Neural (nervous) disorders 616-01 Various aspects of disease, patients and medical intervention 616-01/-099 Special auxiliary subdivision for general aspects of pathology 616-02 Aetiology. Science of the causes of disease 616-03 Various forms of disease, of treatment, of administration of medicaments 616-05 Persons and personal characteristics in pathology. Characteristics of patient 616-06 Complications. Consequences. Repercussions. Concurrence, simultaneous . Correlation. Previous illnesses. Previous state of health. of two diseases 616-07 Semeiology. Symptomatology. Signs and symptoms. Examination. . Propaedeutics 616-08 Treatment 616-091 Pathological anatomy. Morbid anatomy 616-092 Pathological physiology. Processes, mode of action of diseases. . Study of origin of diseases 616-093 Microbial techniques 616-094 Microbial morphology 616-095 Microbial physiology 616-097 Immunogenicity 616-098 Microbial physics, chemistry, metabolism, catabolism 616-099 Poisoning. Intoxication 616-71 Medical instruments and equipment in general 616-71/-78 Special auxiliary subdivision for medical and surgical instrumentation equipment 616-72 Surgical and therapeutic instruments 616-74 Reinforcement and reparative materials and equipment 616-76 Corrective and protective appliances, aids etc. 616-77 Prosthetic materials and parts. Artificial organs etc. 616-78 Machines and mechanical apparatus 616.1 Pathology of the circulatory system, blood vessels. Cardiovascular 616.1 Circulatory system: Pathology 616.1/.9 Special pathology 616.2 Pathology of the respiratory system. Complaints of the respiratory organs 616.2 Respiratory system: Pathology 616.3 Pathology of the digestive system. Complaints of the alimentary canal 616.3 Digestive system: Pathology 616.31 Stomatology. Oral cavity. Mouth. Diseases of the mouth and teeth 616.4 Pathology of the lymphatic system, haemopoietic (haematopoietic) , endocrines 616.4 Lymphatic, haematopoietic, 616.5 Skin. Common integument. Clinical dermatology. Cutaneous complaints 616.6 Pathology of the urogenital system. Urinary and sexual (genital) . Urology 616.7 Pathology of the organs of locomotion. Skeletal and locomotor systems 616.7 Musculoskeletal system: Pathology 616.8 Neurology. Neuropathology. Nervous system 616.8 Neurology 616.89 Psychiatry. Pathological psychiatry. Psychopathology. Phrenopathies. . Mental abnormality. Morbid mental states. Behavioural and disturbances 616.89 Psychiatry 616.9 Communicable diseases. Infectious and contagious diseases, fevers 616.9 Communicable diseases 617 Surgery. Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology 617 Surgery 617.3 Orthopaedics in general 617.7 Ophthalmology. Eye disorders and treatment 617.7 Ophthalmology 618 Gynaecology. Obstetrics 619 Veterinary science 62 Engineering. Technology in general 62-1 General characteristics of machines 62-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for technology in general 62-2 Fixed and movable parts, components of machines 62-3 Fluid control parts and drives. Valves, closures etc. 62-4 State, condition, form of materials, surfaces, objects, products 62-5 Operation and control of machines and processes 62-6 Fuel and other heat-source characteristics of machinery and installations 62-7 Devices for servicing, maintenance and protection of machines 62-8 Machines according to motive power, propulsive force. Source of energy machine 62-9 Variables, conditions and characteristics of production processes, and equipment 62-91 State of material: characteristics and variables 62-92 Reactions in terms of reagents. Reagents 62-93 Processes, machines and equipment according to mode of working, , associations, media 62-94 Direction, velocity, rate, duration of processes etc. 62-95 Simple and multiple processes. Single-stage and multistage processes 62-96 Processes in terms of altering product properties. Modification in general 62-97 Thermal characteristics. Temperature. Temperature range 62-98 Pressure. Pressure range 620 Materials testing. Commercial materials. Power stations. Economics of 620 Engineering 620 Materials testing/Power stations 620.1 Materials testing 620.3 Nanotechnology 620.4 Power stations 620.9 Economics of energy in general 621 Mechanical engineering in general. Nuclear technology. Electrical . Machinery 621 Mechanical engineering 621.039 Nuclear technology 621.1 Heat engines in general. Generation, distribution and use of steam. engines. Boilers 621.22 Hydraulic energy. Water power. Hydraulic machinery 621.3 Electrical engineering 621.3 Electrical engineering. 621.39 Telecommunication: Electrical 621.4 Heat engines (except steam engines) 621.5 Pneumatic energy, machinery and tools. Refrigeration 621.6 Fluids handling, storage and distribution plant and techniques 621.7 Mechanical technology in general: processes, tools, machines, equipment 621.8 Machine elements. Motive power engineering. Materials handling. . Lubrication 621.9 Working or machining with chip formation. Abrasive working. Hammers presses 622 Mining 622 Mining 622.1 Preliminary investigation. Mine surveying and mapping. Exploration of deposits (surface and underground) 622.2 Mining operations. Exploration, opening-up, development, working of deposits 622.3 Mining of specific minerals, ores, rocks 622.4 Ventilation, air conditioning, heating and illumination of mines 622.5 Mine drainage. Unwatering (dewatering) 622.6 Haulage and handling. Hoisting. Winding. Surface transport 622.7 Treatment, processing of minerals. Mineral dressing. Ore preparation 622.8 Mining hazards, accidents and damage. Health protection and safety in 623 Military engineering 623 Military engineering 623.1 Fortresses. Permanent fortifications. Fortified lines, areas 623.1/.3 Field engineering. Fortifications. Defence works 623.1/.7 Land-based military engineering. Artillery 623.2 Assault and defence works. Siege works. Field fortifications. Trench works 623.3 Land minefields. Field obstacles. Flooding 623.4 Armaments. Ordnance. Arms. Weapons. Guns. Artillery. Small arms. Side . Armoured and other service vehicles. Ammunition and war gases. missiles and rockets 623.5 Ballistics. Gunnery. Theoretical and experimental problems 623.6 Field engineering equipment and operations. Lines of communication. countermeasures. Military topography 623.7 Military and naval aviation. Air defence 623.8 Naval construction. Naval bases. Warships and other vessels 623.8/.9 Naval engineering 623.9 Material and equipment of naval forces. Protection and armament of . Submarine defences 624 Civil and structural engineering in general 624 Civil engineering 624.01 Structures and structural parts according to material and method of 624.01/.07 Special auxiliary subdivision for civil and structural engineering 624.03 Size, permanence, location and shape of structures 624.04 Structural design. Graphical and analytical statics for investigation calculation of structures 624.05 Site, organization and plant. Construction methods 624.07 Structural elements. Load-bearing members 624.1 Substructures. Earthworks. Foundations. Tunnelling 624.21/.8 Bridge construction 624.3 Truss bridges (open-web, lattice girder bridges) 624.5 Cable bridges. Suspension bridges 624.6 Arch bridges 624.8 Movable bridges 624.9 Superstructures (except bridges). Superstructures complete in themselves 625 Civil engineering of land transport. Railway engineering. Highway 625 Land transport: Civil 625.1 Railways in general. Permanent way. Track construction 625.1/.5 Railways. Tramways. Cableways 625.5 Cable railways. Funicular railways. Suspension railways. Aerial and cableways. Telphers 625.7 Highways in general. Roads. Carriageways. Streets. Rural and urban systems 625.7/.8 Highway engineering 625.8 Hard surfacing of highways. Pavement, carpet or wearing course. and use of materials 626 Hydraulic engineering in general 626 Hydraulic engineering 626.1 Inland navigable waterways. Canals. Canalized rivers 626.4 Locks 626.5 Lifting gear and inclined planes for vessels 626.8 Agricultural hydraulics. Irrigation, drainage and reclamation engineering 626.8 Agricultural hydraulics 626.9 Maritime canals. Ship canals 626/627 Hydraulic engineering and construction. Water (aquatic) structures 627 Natural waterway, port, harbour and shore engineering. Navigational, , salvage and rescue facilities. Dams and hydraulic power plant 627.2 Ports, harbours and roadsteads: engineering and construction works in 627.3 In-port facilities. Docks. Wharfs. Quays. Installations and equipment 627.4 River bank protection. Straightening of rivers and streams. Other improvement works 627.5 Other waterway protection and improvement works. Dykes. Coast . Land drainage and reclamation 627.7 Navigational facilities. Channel maintenance. Marine salvage and facilities 627.8 Dams. Hydraulic power plant works 628 Public health engineering. Water. Sanitation. Illuminating engineering 628 Public health engineering 628.1 Water supply. Water treatment. Water consumption 628.1 Water supply: Public health 628.2 Urban water removal. Town drainage. Sewerage 628.3 Sewage. Treatment, disposal, utilization of sewage 628.4 Urban hygiene. Wastes. Refuse. Rubbish. Garbage. Collection and of town wastes 628.5 Measures against industrial and other nuisances 628.6 Drainage and sanitary installations of buildings (particularly public requirements) 628.8 Indoor climate. Air conditioning. Heating. Ventilating 628.9 Lighting. Illumination engineering 629 Transport vehicle engineering 629 Transport vehicle engineering 629.01 Vehicle design principles: characteristics, capabilities, tests 629.01/.08 Special auxiliary subdivision for transport vehicle engineering 629.02 Vehicle structure, construction principles, general layout and parts 629.03 Propulsion systems 629.04 Interior layout: accommodation, installation, equipment for persons freight 629.05 Guidance, control-initiation and navigation systems and instruments (vehicle-borne) 629.06 Vehicle auxiliary systems and devices 629.07 Technical aspects of vehicular operations. Operational techniques 629.08 Base equipment, installations and corresponding technical procedures 629.3 Land vehicle engineering (excluding rail vehicles) 629.4 Rail vehicle engineering. Locomotives. Rolling stock. Railway yards. and services concerned with rolling stock 629.5 Watercraft engineering. Marine engineering. Boats. Ships. Boatbuilding shipbuilding 629.7 Air and space transport engineering. Aeronautics and aircraft. Rockets missiles. Astronautics and spacecraft 629.7 Aerospace engineering 63 Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. exploitation 630 Forestry 630 Agriculture and related sciences 630 Forestry 630*0 Forests, forestry and the utilization of forest products 630*1 Factors of the environment. Forest biology 630*2 Silviculture 630*3 Work science (work studies) in forestry. Harvesting of wood: logging transport. Forest engineering 630*4 Forest injuries and protection 630*5 Forest mensuration. Increment, development and structure of stands. and mapping 630*6 Forest management. Business economics of forestry. Administration and of forest enterprises 630*7 Marketing of forest products. Economics of forest transport and the industries 630*8 Forest products and their utilization 630*9 Forests and forestry from the national point of view. Social economics forestry 631 Agriculture in general 631 Agriculture 631.1 Farm management and organization 631.2 Farm buildings, structures and installations. Buildings for livestock, , machinery and equipment 631.3 Agricultural machines, implements and equipment 631.4 Soil science. Pedology. Soil research 631.4 Soil science 631.5 Agricultural operations 631.6 Rural engineering 631.8 Fertilizers, manures and soil enrichment. Promotion of growth. Plant 631/635 Farm management. Agronomy. Horticulture 632 Plant damage, injuries. Plant diseases. Pests, organisms injurious to . Plant protection 632 Plant damage 633 Field crops and their production 633 Field crops: Horticulture 633.1 Cereals. Grain crops 633.2 Forage grasses. Meadow and pasture grasses 633.3 Forage plants except grasses 633.4 Edible roots and tubers. Root crops 633.5 Textile and fibre plants 633.6 Sugar and starch plants 633.7 Plants yielding stimulants. Beverage plants 633.8 Aromatic plants. Condiment plants. Oleaginous plants. Dye plants. plants. Medicinal plants 633.9 Other plants with industrial uses 633/635 Horticulture in general. Specific crops 634 Fruit growing 634 Horticulture 634.2 Stone fruits. Drupes in general 634.3 Rutaceous and moraceous fruits. Citrous fruits in general 634.4 Other pulp fruits 634.5 Nuts 634.6 Various tropical and subtropical fruits 634.7 Small fruits of shrubs and herbaceous plants. Berries 634.8 Viticulture. Grape vines. Vineyards 635 Garden plants. Gardening 635 Gardening 635.1 Edible roots. Root vegetables 635.1/.8 Vegetables. Kitchen gardening 635.2 Edible tubers and bulbs 635.3 Plants with edible stalks, leaves or flowers 635.4 Other green vegetables. Leaf vegetables 635.6 Edible fruits and seeds. Pulses 635.7 Aromatic herbs. Plants for seasoning 635.8 Edible fungi 635.9 Ornamentals. Decorative plants. Ornamental gardening 636 Animal husbandry and breeding in general. Livestock rearing. Breeding domestic animals 636 Animal husbandry 636.01 Origin, evolution and domestication of animals kept by humans. Taming animals. Biological bases of rearing and training 636.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for animal husbandry 636.02 Animals kept for breeding, showing and scientific uses 636.03 Animals bred or kept for food or other produce (productivity, yield). and ranch animals in general 636.04 Animals bred or kept for work and service or pleasure of humans 636.05 Animals according to breeding 636.06 Characteristics, constitution and special biological features of animals 636.08 General questions of breeding and rearing 636.09 Veterinary science 636.1 Domestic equines. Horses 636.2 Large ruminants. Cattle, oxen 636.3 Small ruminants 636.4 Pigs. Swine 636.5 Poultry 636.6 Birds (except poultry and game) bred or kept by humans 636.7 Dogs 636.8 Cats 636.9 Other animals kept by humans 637 Produce of domestic (farmyard) animals and game 637 Animal produce 638 Keeping, breeding and management of insects and other arthropods 638 Insect keeping. Bee keeping 639 Hunting. Fishing. Fish breeding 639 Hunting. Fishing. Fish 639.1 Hunting 639.2 Fishing. Fisheries 639.3 Fish breeding. Pisciculture 639.4 Breeding of aquatic molluscs (shellfish) 639.5 Breeding of aquatic crustaceans 639.6 Other marine products 64 Home economics. Domestic science. Housekeeping 64.01 The household. Household management 64.01/.08 Special auxiliary subdivision for domestic science 64.048 Study of work and working methods in the household 64.05 Home economics. Housekeeping, furnishing and equipping a home etc. for kinds of person 64.06 Household appliances and machines. Labour-saving devices in the home 64.08 Moving house. Removals 640 Types of household 640 Home Economics 641 Food. Cooking. Dishes 641/642 Food. Cooking. Dishes. Meals 642 Meals and mealtimes. Tableware 643 The home. The dwelling 643/645 The home. Household fittings and furnishings 644 Installations for health and comfort in dwellings 644.1 Indoor climate control. Heating. Ventilation. Air conditioning 644.3 Domestic lighting 644.6 Domestic water supply and sanitary installations 645 Furniture and household fittings 646 Clothing. Body care 646.2 Making and mending of clothes at home. Domestic dressmaking 646.4 Clothing. Garments 646.7 Body care. Beauty care. Accessories for dressing and undressing 646/649 Personal requisites. Household management 648 Washing. Laundry. Cleaning 649 Domestic care of children, invalids, guests 65 Communication and transport industries. Accountancy. Business . Public relations 650 Management 654 Telecommunication and telecontrol (organization, services) 654 Telecommunication: Management 654.1 Telegraphy, telephony, radio, television services 654.9 Signalling. Various telecommunication services. Remote control (telecontrol) 655 Graphic industries. Printing. Publishing. Book trade 655 Publishing: Management 655.1 Printing industry in general 655.4 Publishing and bookselling in general 656 Transport and postal services. Traffic organization and control 656 Transport: Management 656.1 Road transport 656.1/.5 Land transport 656.2 Rail transport. Rail traffic 656.4 Transport by light railways 656.5 Land transport by conveyor systems and pipelines 656.6 Transport by water 656.7 Transport by air. Air traffic 656.8 Postal services and administration 657 Accountancy 657 Accountancy: Management 658 Business management, administration. Commercial organization 658 Business: Management 658.1 Forms of enterprise. Finances 658.2 Installations and plant. Premises. Buildings, works, factories. Materials 658.3 Human relations in the enterprise. Personnel management 658.5 Production engineering and planning. Design. Production management and 658.6 Commercial organization and practice. Goods. Services 658.7 Buying. Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock 658.8 Marketing. Sales. Selling. Distribution 658.9 Other commercial activities 659 Publicity. Information work. Public relations 659.1 Publicity. Advertising 659.1 Advertising 659.2 Information work. Advisory and consultancy services 659.3 Mass communication. Informing, enlightening of the public at large 659.4 Public relations (PR) 66 Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries 66.01 Fundamentals of chemical engineering 66.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for chemical engineering 66.02 Chemical processing operations and equipment in general 66.03 Materials, characteristics, processes and equipment 66.04 Heat treatment operations and equipment 66.06 Chemical technology of liquids. Processes and equipment for treatment or with liquids 66.07 Chemical technology of gases 66.08 Physical and physicochemical operations and equipment. Physical and effects on chemical processes 660 Chemical technology 661 Chemicals 661 Chemicals: Production 661.1 Special chemical industries 661.2 Production of sulphur and its derivatives 661.3 Production of soda and potash, alkalis 661.4 Production of halogens and halogen compounds, inorganic peroxo-compounds 661.5 Production of nitrogen compounds. Fixation of nitrogen. Nitrogen in general 661.6 Production of various nonmetals and semimetals (metalloids), and their 661.7 Production of organic substances. Organic chemicals 661.8 Metallic compounds in general. Salts. Mineral compounds 661.9 Production of gases 662 Explosives. Fuels 662 Explosives. Fuels 662.1 Fireworks. Pyrotechnic and related devices 662.1/.4 Explosives 662.2 High explosives 662.3 Propellant powders. Gunpowders 662.4 Initiators, primers for explosives. Detonators 662.5 Igniters. Kindlers. Matches. Lighters 662.6 Heat or fuel economy in general. Combustion. Natural fuels 662.6/.9 Heat economy. Fuel economy. Fuels. Heating 662.7 Fuel technology. Processed fuels 662.8 Mechanical treatment for solidification of fuels. Briquetting 662.9 Furnace and combustion engineering 663 Industrial microbiology. Industrial mycology. Zymurgy, fermentation . Beverage industry. Stimulant industry 663 Industrial microbiology 663.1 Microbiological industries. Science and technique of applied . Applied mycology 663.2 Wine. Winemaking. Oenology 663.3 Cider. Perry. Other fruit wines, sap wines 663.4 Beers. Brewing. Malting 663.5 Potable alcohol. Spirituous liquors (ardent spirits). Alcohol , refining 663.6 Water for beverages and other industrial uses. Mineral waters. waters. Edible ice 663.8 Main ingredients for the blending of drinks. Fruit and vegetable . Syrups. Liqueurs. Soft drinks 663.9 Chocolate. Cocoa. Coffee. Tea. Tobacco 664 Production and preservation of solid foodstuffs 664 Food: Chemical technology 664.1 Sugar. Molasses. Glucose etc. 664.2 Starch. Amylaceous materials 664.3 Edible oils and fats. Margarine. Protein foodstuffs 664.4 Edible minerals 664.5 Spices. Condiments 664.6 Baking. Bread. Flour confectionery 664.6/.7 Technology and processing of cereal grains 664.7 Cereal technology. Flour and corn milling. Grain processing 664.8/.9 Food preservation technique 665 Oils. Fats. Waxes. Adhesives. Gums. Resins 665.1 Generalities on oils, fats, waxes and products derived from them 665.2 Oils, fats and waxes of animal origin 665.3 Vegetable oils, fats, waxes, phosphatides 665.5 Essential oils. Perfumery. Cosmetics 665.6 Mineral oil technology. Technology of petroleum and allied products 665.6/.7 Processes and products of the petroleum and allied industries 665.7 Products of the mineral oil industry. Mineral oils and similar products 665.9 Miscellaneous organic chemical industries 666 Glass industry. Ceramics. Cement and concrete 666.1 Glass industry. Glass technology. Glass manufacture in general. Glass the comprehensive sense 666.3 Ceramics in general. Ceramic raw materials 666.3/.7 Ceramics 666.5 Porcelain. China 666.6 Stoneware. Earthenware (porous ceramic ware) 666.7 Coarse ceramics. Heavy clayware. Refractories. Hard ceramic materials. of ceramics and other materials 666.9 Gypsum, lime and cement industries. Hard-setting materials. Plasters compositions. Mortar and concrete 667 Colour industries 667.2 Dyestuffs industry. Manufacture and use of dyestuffs 667.4 Writing inks 667.5 Printing inks (black or coloured). Lithographic inks. Writing and pencils. Coloured crayons 667.6 Coatings and coating techniques. Paints. Varnishes. Lacquers 667.7 Colouring, staining etc., of various materials (except printing and ) 669 Metallurgy 669 Metallurgy: Chemical 669.1 Ferrous metallurgy. Iron and steel 669.2 Nonferrous metals in general 67 Various industries, trades and crafts 670 Industry. Crafts 671 Articles of precious metals, gems, precious stones 671.1 Gold and silver articles. Articles of other precious metals. Jewellery 671.4 Manufacture of coins and medals. Minting 672 Articles of iron and steel in general 673 Articles of nonferrous metals (except precious metals) 673 Non-ferrous metal artefacts: Industry 674 Timber and woodworking industry 675 Leather industry (including fur and imitation leather) 675 Leather industry 676 Pulp, paper and board industry 677 Textile industry 677 Textile industry 677.1 Bast fibres (fibres from dicotyledon stems). Hard fibres (fibres from leaves and fruit) 677.1/.2 Vegetable fibres 677.1/.3 Natural fibres 677.1/.5 Textile fibres 677.2 Vegetable hairs 677.3 Animal fibres 677.4 Man-made fibres 677.5 Mineral and metal fibres. Braiding materials. Rubber threads. Paper yarns 678 Industries based on macromolecular materials. Rubber industry. industry 678.4 Natural rubber. Other natural macromoleculars containing only carbon hydrogen 678.5 Plastics 678.6 Synthetic polycondensation products. Polycondensates. Synthetic . Synthetic fibres etc. 678.7 Synthetic polymerization products. Polymerizates. Synthetic rubbers 679 Industries based on various processable materials 679.7 Cable and cordage industries 679.8 Stone technology. Stone industry 679.9 Technology of other natural processable materials 68 Industries, crafts and trades for finished or assembled articles 680 Finished articles: Industry 681 Precision mechanisms and instruments 681.1 Apparatus with wheel or motor mechanisms 681.2 Instrument-making in general. Instrumentation. Measuring instruments their manufacture. Balances. Weighing devices 681.5 Automatic control technology. Smart technology 681.6 Graphic reproduction machines and equipment 681.7 Optical apparatus and instruments 681.8 Technical acoustics 682 Smithery. Blacksmithery. Farriery. Hand-forged ironwork 682.1 Farriery. Shoe-smithing 682.3 Toolsmithing. Edge-tool forging 682.5 Furnishing ironwork 682.6 Building ironwork 683 Ironmongery. Hardware. Locksmithing. Bottling. Lamps. Heating appliances 684 Furniture and allied industries. Furniture manufacture. Upholstery 684.4 Furniture. Furniture design and manufacture 684.6 Veneering. Marquetry. Inlay etc. 684.7 Upholstery. Bedding. Covers. Hangings 685 Saddlery. Footwear. Gloving. Travel, sports, games and other equipment 685 Sports equipment: Industry 685.1 Saddlery. Harness making 685.2 Accoutrements. Beltmaking. Leather equipment and analogous products 685.3 Footwear. Other aids to locomotion 685.4 Gloving. Glovemaking 685.5 Travel goods. Camping equipment 685.6 Sports and games equipment. Equipment and installations for athletics, , physical training 685.7 Mountaineering, climbing equipment. Swimming equipment 685.8 Equipment for board and table games 686 Bookbinding. Metallizing. Mirror-making. Stationery 687 Clothing industry. Garment manufacture. Beauty culture 687.1 Outer clothing. Tailoring 687.2 Linen wear. Lingerie 687.3 Knitwear. Ties. Devices for securing and protecting clothing 687.4 Headgear. Hatmaking. Millinery 687.5 Beauty culture industries 687.8 Artificial furriery 687.9 Brush industry. Brooms etc. 688 Fancy goods. Toys. Decorative articles 688.7 Toys. Articles for amusement, tricks. Decorations 689 Amateur handicrafts. Technical hobbies 69 Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice procedure 690 Building industry 691 Building materials. Building components 692 Structural parts and elements of buildings 693 Masonry and related building crafts 694 Timber construction. Carpentry. Joinery 696 Equipment, services, installations in buildings (sanitary, gas, steam, ). Pipe fitter. Plumber. Metal worker. Drainlayer. . Other trades 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings 698 Finishing and decorating trades 698 Decorating: Building industry 7 THE ARTS. RECREATION. ENTERTAINMENT. SPORT 7.01 Theory and philosophy of art. Principles of design, proportion, effect 7.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for the arts 7.02 Art technique. Craftsmanship 7.03 Artistic periods and phases. Schools, styles, influences 7.031 Prehistoric art. Primitive art (ancient and modern) 7.032 Art of the ancient cultures of the Old World. Styles of Antiquity 7.033 Mediaeval art (Christian, Islamic art) 7.034 Renaissance. Baroque. Rococo. Colonial 7.035 Post-Renaissance 7.036 Modern art movements (from late 19th century). Realism, impressionism subsequent 20th century trends 7.037 Transition between Expressionism and abstract art 7.038 Abstract art. Non-figurative art 7.04 Subjects for artistic representation. Iconography. Iconology. Details finishes. Decoration. Ornament 7.05 Applications of art (in industry, trade, the home, everyday life) 7.06 Various questions concerning art 7.07 Occupations and activities associated with the arts and entertainment 7.08 Characteristic features, forms, combinations etc. (in art, and sport) 7.091 Performance, presentation (in original medium) 700 Arts 71 Physical planning. Regional, town and country planning. Landscapes, , gardens 710 Physical planning 711 Principles and practice of physical planning. Regional, town and planning 711 Regional planning 712 Planning of landscape (natural and designed). Parks. Gardens 712 Landscape planning 718 Cemeteries. Graveyards. Crematoriums. Other places for disposal of the (planning, design, upkeep etc.) 719 Preservation of rural and urban amenities generally 72 Architecture 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, , optical effect 72.01/.05 Special auxiliary subdivision for architecture 72.02 Technique 72.03 Periods and phases of architecture. Schools, styles, influences 72.04 Architectural details and finishes. Decoration. Ornament 72.05 Parts, spaces and rooms planned for specific uses 720 Architecture 721 Buildings generally 725 Public, civil, commercial, industrial buildings. Secular architecture 726 Religious, ecclesiastical architecture. Sacred and funerary buildings 727 Buildings for educational, scientific, cultural purposes 728 Domestic architecture. Housing. Residential buildings 73 Plastic arts 730 Sculpture in general. Statuary 730 Sculpture 736 Glyptics. Sigillography 737 Numismatics 738 Ceramic arts. Pottery 738.1 Porcelain 738.2 Glazed earthenware 738.3 Stoneware 738.4 Enamel (vitreous enamel). Cloisonné. Enamel ornaments 738.5 Mosaics 738.6 Terracotta 738.8 Various ceramic objects 739 Metal arts 739.1 Goldsmith's and silversmith's art 739.2 Jewellery (metalworking aspects) 74 Drawing. Design. Applied arts and crafts 740 Drawing 741 Drawing in general 741.5 Caricature. Cartoons. Satirical and humorous drawings 741.7 Silhouettes. Scissor-cuts 741.9 Collections of drawings. Sketchbooks 741/744 Drawing 742 Perspective in drawing 744 Linear and geometric drawing. Technical drawing 745 Decorative handicrafts 745/749 Industrial and domestic arts and crafts. Applied arts 746 Fancy work. Art needlework 747 Interior decoration 748 Vitreous arts. Artistic glassware and crystal ware 749 Artistic furniture, heating and lighting devices 75 Painting 750 Painting 76 Graphic art, printmaking. Graphics 760 Graphic arts 761 Relief techniques 762 Intaglio techniques 763 Planographic techniques. Lithography (autolithography) 766 Applied graphic arts. Commercial graphics 77 Photography and similar processes 77.01 Theory, principles and nature of photographic phenomena 77.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for photography 77.02 Photographic operations 77.03 Documentary photography. Photographic records and their interpretation 77.03/.08 Kinds of photography and photograph 77.04 Pictorial, artistic photography. Photographs according to subject 77.05 Photography and exposures according to ambient conditions 77.06 Photographs, pictures or prints according to appearance, form or size 77.07 Photographs according to support or base material 77.08 Photographs according to intermediate stages 770 Photography 771 Photographic equipment, apparatus and materials 772 Photographic systems, processes (especially those using inorganic or physical phenomena) 774 Photomechanical processes generally 776 Photolithography. Photographic production of planographic plates 777 Intaglio and relief processes. Photogravure. Letterpress or relief (line and halftone blocks) 778 Special applications and techniques of photography 78 Music 78.01 Theory and philosophy of music 78.02 Composition of musical works 78.03 Periods and phases in the history of music. Musical schools, styles influences 78.04 Subjects for musical representation. Programme music. Illustrative, or representational music 78.05 Applications of music in industry and trade, the home and everyday life 78.06 Various questions concerning music 78.07 Occupations and activities associated with music 78.08 Characteristics, kinds of musical works. Musical forms 78.09 Types of performance or presentation 780 Music 780.6 Musical instruments and accessories 780.7 Music teaching aids. Other music accessories 781.1 Scientific theories of music. Mathematical, physical, physiological, bases. Musical acoustics 781.2 General theory of music 781.4 Harmony. Counterpoint. Melody 781.6 General questions of composition and interpretation 781.7 Theories and forms of national music (of various countries or peoples) 781.8 Theories and forms of the music of antiquity 782 Dramatic music. Opera 782/785 Kinds of music 783 Church music. Sacred music. Religious music 784 Vocal music 784.1 A cappella music. Unaccompanied vocal music. Rounds 784.2 Vocal extracts from larger works 784.3 Vocal chamber music 784.4 Popular, traditional, historic vocal music 784.5 Secular oratorios and cantatas 784.6 Community songs. Children's songs 784.7 Other kinds of song 785 Instrumental music. Symphonic music. Grouping of instruments. Ensemble 785.1 Ensemble music for relatively large numbers of instruments 785.7 Chamber music. Music for several instruments concertante 79 Recreation. Entertainment. Games. Sport 790 Recreation 791 Cinema. Films (motion pictures) 791 Public entertainments 791-2 Films according to characteristics of presentation 791-2/-5 Special auxiliary subdivision for cinema, films 791-5 Character types 791.1 Principal stages of cinema development 791.2 Genre, subject, style of film 791.3 Aesthetics and film 791.4 Society and film 791.43 Cinema. Films 791.5 Education and film 791.6 Film as industry 792 Theatre. Stagecraft. Dramatic performances 792 Theatre 792.2 Spoken drama. Plays 792.5 Musical productions 792.7 Variety. Vaudeville. Music hall. Cabaret. Revues. Pantomimes 792.8 Presentations of art of movement. Choreography 792.9 Special kinds of theatre 793 Social entertainments and recreations. Art of movement. Dance 793.2 Particular social recreations, requiring preparations 793.3 Art of movement. Dance 793.3 Dance 793.5 Games involving forfeits 793.5/.7 Parlour games. Party games 793.7 Games not characterized by action 793.8 Scientific recreations. Conjuring. Sleight of hand. Illusionism. Magic 794 Board and table games (of thought, skill and chance) 794 Board and table games 794.1 Chess 794.1 Chess 794.2 Minor board games not dependent on chance 794.3 Table games with pieces or counters and an element of chance 794.3 Backgammon 794.4 Card games 794.5 Pattern games or puzzles requiring patience or dexterity 794.8 Minor aiming games. Children's miniature games 794.9 Games of pure chance 796 Sport. Games. Physical exercises 796 Sport 796.01 Sport philosophy, theory, purpose, methodology, ethics and aesthetics 796.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for sport, games, physical exercise 796.02 Technical matters. Practice and exercise facilities. Sports gear, . Materials. Protection against accidents, hazards 796.03 Sports movement. Sports activity from various points of view 796.05 Manner of contest. Combative style. Strategy. Tactics 796.06 Organization of sport, in general 796.07 Kind of participation in sport 796.08 Participation (number of players), combinations etc. 796.09 Contests. Records 796.1 Outdoor games and recreation 796.2 Games of motion and skill with special equipment 796.3 Ball games 796.32 High ball games with large ball 796.33 Ball games in which the ball is played with foot and hand 796.35 Low ball games with striking implement 796.4 Gymnastics. Acrobatics. Athletics 796.5 Touring. Walking. Mountaineering. Orientation sports. Camping 796.6 Wheel sports. Cycling. Roller sports 796.7 Motoring. Motorcycling 796.8 Combat sports. Self-defence sports. Heavy athletics. Trials of strength 796.9 Winter sports. Ice games. Skiing. Sledging 797 Water sports. Aerial sports 797 Water and aerial sports 797.1 Watercraft sports. Boating 797.2 Swimming. Diving. Aquatic games 797.5 Aerial sports 798 Riding and driving. Horse and other animal sports 798.2 Riding 798.4 Horse racing. Mounted racing 798.6 Driving with horses. Coaching, carriage-driving. Trotting 798.8 Canine sports. Dog racing etc. 798.9 Other animal contests, e.g. with birds 799 Sport fishing. Sport hunting. Shooting and target sports 8 LANGUAGE. LINGUISTICS. LITERATURE 80 General questions relating to both linguistics and literature. Philology 800 Languages. Linguistics. Literature 801 Prosody. Auxiliary sciences and sources of philology 801.6 Prosody: metre, rhythm, rhyme and verse pattern 801.7 Auxiliary sciences and studies of philology 801.8 Sources of linguistics and philology. Collections of texts 808 Rhetoric. The effective use of language 808.1 Authorship. Literary activity and technique 808.2 Editing. Adapting and arranging copy for publication 808.5 Rhetoric of speech. Art or technique of oral expression 81 Linguistics and languages 81-01 Old period. Archaic period 81-01/-08 Special auxiliary numbers for origins and periods of languages 81-02 Classical period 81-04 Middle period 81-06 Modern period 81-08 Revived language 81-1 General linguistics 81-1/-4 Special auxiliary subdivision for subject fields and facets of and languages 81-11 Schools and trends in linguistics 81-112 Diachronic linguistics (historical linguistics) 81-114 Synchronic linguistics (static linguistics) 81-116 Structuralism. Structural linguistics 81-13 Methodology of linguistics. Methods and means 81-2 Theory of signs. Theory of translation. Standardization. Usage. linguistics 81-22 General theory of signs in relation to linguistics. Semiology. Semiotics 81-23 Psycholinguistics. Psychology of language 81-24 Practical knowledge of languages 81-25 Theory of translation 81-26 Language planning. Control of language. Standardization of language 81-27 Sociolinguistics. Usage of language 81-28 Dialectology. Geographical linguistics. Areal linguistics 81-3 Mathematical and applied linguistics. Phonetics. Graphemics. Grammar. . Stylistics 81-32 Mathematical linguistics 81-33 Applied linguistics 81-34 Phonetics. Phonology 81-35 Graphemics. Orthography. Spelling 81-36 Grammar 81-37 Semantics 81-38 General stylistics 81-4 Text linguistics, Discourse analysis. Typological linguistics 81-42 Text linguistics. Discourse analysis 81-44 Typological linguistics 810 Linguistics. Languages 811 Languages 811 Languages 811.1 Indo-European languages 811.1/.2 Indo-European languages 811.1/.8 Individual natural languages 811.1/.9 All languages natural or artificial 811.11 Germanic languages 811.11 Germanic languages 811.111 English language 811.111 English language 811.112 West Germanic languages (other than English) 811.112.2 German language (High German, Standard written German) 811.112.5 Dutch language 811.113 North Germanic (Nordic) languages 811.113.4 Danish language 811.113.5 Norwegian language 811.113.6 Swedish language 811.12 Italic languages 811.12 Italic languages 811.124 Latin language 811.124 Latin language 811.13 Romance / Romanic languages 811.13 Romance languages 811.131 Italo-Romance / Italo-Romanic languages 811.131.1 Italian language 811.133 Gallo-Romance / Gallo-Romanic languages 811.133.1 French language 811.133.1 French language 811.134 Ibero-Romance / Ibero-Romanic languages 811.134.1 Catalan language 811.134.2 Spanish language 811.134.3 Portuguese language 811.135 Balkan Romance / Balkan Romanic languages 811.135.1 Romanian language 811.14 Greek (Hellenic) language 811.14 Greek language (Hellenic) 811.15 Celtic languages 811.152 Goidelic languages 811.152.2 Scots Gaelic language 811.152.3 Manx language 811.153 Brythonic languages 811.153.1 Welsh language 811.153.2 Breton language 811.16 Slavic / Slavonic languages 811.16 Slavic languages 811.161 East Slavic / Slavonic languages 811.161.1 Russian language 811.161.2 Ukrainian language 811.161.3 Belarusian language 811.162 West Slavic / Slavonic languages 811.162.1 Polish language 811.162.3 Czech language 811.162.4 Slovak language 811.163 South Slavic / Slavonic languages 811.163.2 Bulgarian language 811.163.3 Macedonian language 811.163.4 Serbian and Croatian languages 811.163.41 Serbian language 811.163.42 Croatian language 811.163.6 Slovenian / Slovene language 811.17 Baltic languages 811.172 Lithuanian language 811.174 Latvian / Lettish language 811.18 Albanian language 811.19 Armenian language 811.21 Indic languages 811.21/.22 Indo-Iranian languages 811.214 Modern Indic languages 811.214.2 Central Modern Indic languages 811.214.21 Hindi language 811.214.3 Eastern Modern Indic languages 811.214.32 Bengali (Bangla) language 811.3 Dead languages of unknown affiliation. Caucasian languages 811.34 Dead languages of unknown affiliation, spoken in the Mediterranean and East (except Semitic) 811.35 Caucasian languages 811.353 Southern (Kartvelian) group 811.353.1 Georgian language 811.4 Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Congo-Kordofanian, Khoisan languages 811.5 Ural-Altaic, Palaeo-Siberian, Eskimo-Aleut, Dravidian and Sino-Tibetan . Japanese. Korean. Ainu 811.51 Ural-Altaic languages 811.511 Uralic languages 811.511.1 Finno-Ugric languages 811.511.11 Finnic languages 811.511.111 Finnish language 811.511.113 Estonian language 811.511.14 Ugric languages 811.511.141 Hungarian language 811.521 Japanese language 811.58 Sino-Tibetan languages 811.581 Chinese languages 811.6 Austro-Asiatic languages. Austronesian languages 811.7 Indo-Pacific (non-Austronesian) languages. Australian languages 811.8 American indigenous languages 811.9 Artificial languages 811.92 Artificial languages for use among human beings. International languages (interlanguages) 811.922 Esperanto language 82 Literature 82-1 Poetry. Poems. Verse 82-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for literary forms, genres 82-2 Drama. Plays 82-3 Fiction. Prose narrative 82-31 Novels. Full-length stories 82-32 Short stories. Novellas 82-4 Essays 82-5 Oratory. Speeches 82-6 Letters. Art of letter-writing. Correspondence. Genuine letters. Other in epistolary form 82-7 Prose satire. Humour, epigram, parody etc. 82-8 Miscellanea. Polygraphies. Selections 82-9 Various other literary forms 82-92 Periodical literature. Writings in serials, journals, reviews. . Occasional literature. Polemic, political writings. 82-94 History as literary genre. Historical writing. Historiography. . Annals. Memoirs. Journals. Diaries. Biography. Autobiography 82.02 Literary schools, trends and movements 82.02/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for theory, study and technique of 82.09 Literary criticism. Literary studies 82.091 Comparative literary studies. Comparative literature 820 Literature 821 Literatures of individual languages and language families 821 Literature of individual languages 821.1 European literature 821.1/.2 Indo-European literature 821.11 Literature of Germanic languages 821.111 English literature 821.111 English literature 821.112 West Germanic literatures (other than English) 821.112.2 German literature 821.112.5 Dutch literature 821.113 North Germanic, Nordic (Scandinavian) literatures 821.113.4 Danish literature 821.113.5 Norwegian literature 821.113.6 Swedish literature 821.12 Literature of Italic languages 821.124 Latin literature 821.124 Latin literature 821.13 Literature of Romance (Romanic) languages 821.13 Romance languages literature 821.131 Literature of Italo-Romance / Italo-Romanic languages 821.131.1 Italian literature 821.131.1 Italian literature 821.133 Literature of Gallo-Romance / Gallo-Romanic languages 821.133.1 French literature 821.133.1 French literature 821.134 Literature of Ibero-Romance / Ibero-Romanic) languages 821.134.1 Catalan literature 821.134.2 Spanish literature 821.134.2 Spanish literature 821.134.3 Portuguese literature 821.135 Literature of Balkan Romance / Romanic languages 821.135.1 Romanian literature 821.14 Greek (Hellenic) literature 821.14 Greek literature 821.15 Celtic languages literature 821.152 Goedelic languages literature 821.152.2 Scots Gaelic literature 821.152.3 Manx literature 821.153 Brythonic languages literature 821.153.1 Welsh literature 821.153.2 Breton literature 821.16 Literature of Slavic (Slavonic) languages 821.16 Slavic languages literature 821.161 East Slavic / Slavonic literature 821.161.1 Russian literature 821.161.1 Russian literature 821.161.2 Ukrainian literature 821.161.3 Belarusian literature 821.162 West Slavic / Slavonic literatures 821.162.1 Polish literature 821.162.3 Czech literature 821.162.4 Slovakian literature 821.163 South Slavic / Slavonic literatures 821.163.2 Bulgarian literature 821.163.3 Macedonian literature 821.163.4 Serbian literature. Croatian literature 821.163.41 Serbian literature 821.163.42 Croatian literature 821.163.6 Slovenian literature 821.17 Literature of Baltic languages 821.172 Lithuanian literature 821.174 Latvian literature 821.18 Albanian literature 821.19 Armenian literature 821.21 Indic literatures 821.21/.22 Literature of Indo-Iranian languages 821.214 Literature of modern Indic languages 821.214.21 Hindi literature 821.214.32 Bengali (Bangla) literature 821.3 Literature of Caucasian languages. Literature of dead languages of affiliation 821.353 South Caucasian (Kartvelian) literature 821.353.1 Georgian literature 821.4 Literature of Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Congo-Kordofanian, Khoisan 821.5 Literature of Ural-Altaic, Japanese, Korean, Ainu, Palaeo-Siberian, -Aleut, Dravidian languages, Sino-Tibetan languages 821.51 Literature of Ural-Altaic languages 821.511 Literature of Uralic languages 821.511.1 Literature of Finno-Ugric languages 821.511.11 Literature of Finnic languages 821.511.111 Finnish literature 821.511.113 Estonian literature 821.511.14 Literature of Ugric languages 821.511.141 Hungarian literature 821.521 Japanese literature 821.58 Literature of Sino-Tibetan languages 821.581 Chinese literature 821.6 Literature of Austro-Asiatic languages. Austronesian literature 821.7 Literature of Indo-Pacific (non-Austronesian) languages. Australian (Aboriginal) literature 821.8 Literature of American indigenous languages (Amerindian literatures) 821.9 Literature in artificial languages 9 GEOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHY. HISTORY 900 Geography. Biography. History 902 Archaeology 902 Archaeology 902/908 Archaeology. Prehistory. Cultural remains. Area studies 903 Prehistory. Prehistoric remains, artefacts, antiquities 904 Cultural remains of historical times 908 Area studies. Study of a locality 91 Geography. Exploration of the Earth and of individual countries. . Regional geography 910 General questions. Geography as a science. Exploration. Travel 910 Geography 910 Travel: Geography 910.1 Science of geography. Methodology (theory, systems, methods) 910.2 Kinds and techniques of geographical exploration 910.3 Exploration of particular geographical features 910.4 Voyages of discovery 911 General geography. Science of geographical factors (systematic ). Theoretical geography 911.2 Physical geography 911.3 Human geography (cultural geography). Geography of cultural factors 911.5 Typological geography 911.5/.9 Theoretical geography 911.6 Individual spatial divisions and regional units 911.7 Comparative geography 911.8 Normative geography 911.9 Applied, practical geography 912 Nonliterary, nontextual representations of a region 913 Regional geography 914 Europe: Geography 914.1 British Isles: Geography 914.11 Scotland: Geography 914.15 Ireland: Geography 914.2 England: Geography 914.29 Wales: Geography 914.3 Germany: Geography 914.359 Luxembourg: Geography 914.36 Austria: Geography 914.37 Former Czechoslovakia: Geography 914.371 Czech Republic: Geography 914.376 Slovakia: Geography 914.38 Poland: Geography 914.39 Hungary: Geography 914.4 France: Geography 914.5 Italy: Geography 914.582 Malta: Geography 914.6 Spain: Geography 914.672 Andorra: Geography 914.69 Portugal: Geography 914.7 Former European USSR: Geography 914.70 Russia: Geography 914.74 Baltic States: Geography 914.742 Estonia: Geography 914.743 Latvia: Geography 914.745 Lithuania: Geography 914.76 Byelorussia: Geography 914.79 Caucasus: Geography 914.7922 Georgia (Gruziya): Geography 914.8 Scandinavia: Geography 914.80 Finland: Geography 914.81 Norway: Geography 914.85 Sweden: Geography 914.89 Denmark: Geography 914.9 Other European countries: Geography 914.911 Iceland: Geography 914.92 Netherlands: Geography 914.93 Belgium: Geography 914.94 Switzerland: Geography 914.949 Liechtenstein: Geography 914.95 Greece: Geography 914.965 Albania: Geography 914.97 Balkans: Geography 914.971 Balkans: Geography 914.9711 Serbia: Geography 914.9712 Slovenia: Geography 914.9713 Croatia: Geography 914.9715 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Geography 914.9717 Macedonia: Geography 914.972 Bulgaria: Geography 914.98 Romania: Geography 915 Asia: Geography 915.1 China: Geography 915.1231 Hong Kong/Macau: Geography 915.12318 Macau: Geography 915.173 Mongolia: Geography 915.19 Korea: Geography 915.195 South Korea: Geography 915.2 Japan: Geography 915.29 Taiwan: Geography 915.3 Arabia: Geography 915.32 Saudi Arabia: Geography 915.36 Gulf States: Geography 915.362 United Arab Emirates: Geography 915.4 Indian subcontinent: Geography 915.40 India: Geography 915.493 Bangladesh: Geography 915.6 Turkey: Geography 915.643 Cyprus: Geography 915.69 Levant: Geography 915.694 Israel: Geography 915.7 Former Asiatic USSR: Geography 915.71 Siberia: Geography 915.75 Former Soviet Central Asia: Geography 915.751 Uzbekistan: Geography 915.81 Afghanistan: Geography 915.9 South-east Asia: Geography 915.91 Burma: Geography 915.923 Singapore: Geography 915.926 Brunei: Geography 915.93 Thailand: Geography 915.94 Indonesia: Geography 915.95 Malaysia: Geography 915.96 Kampuchea: Geography 915.97 Vietnam: Geography 915.99 Philippines: Geography 916 Africa: Geography 916.1 Maghreb: Geography 916.11 Tunisia: Geography 916.12 Libya: Geography 916.2 Egypt: Geography 916.24 Sudan: Geography 916.3 Ethiopia: Geography 916.35 Eritrea: Geography 916.4 Morocco: Geography 916.48 Western Sahara: Geography 916.5 Algeria: Geography 916.6 West Africa: Geography 916.612 Mauretania: Geography 916.621 Mali: Geography 916.625 Burkina Fasso: Geography 916.626 Niger: Geography 916.63 Senegal: Geography 916.64 Sierra Leone: Geography 916.65 Gambia/Guinea/Cape Verde: Geography 916.651 Gambia: Geography 916.652 Guinea: Geography 916.658 Cape Verde: Geography 916.66 Liberia/Ivory Coast: Geography 916.662 Liberia: Geography 916.668 Ivory Coast: Geography 916.67 Ghana: Geography 916.68 Togo/Benin: Geography 916.681 Togo: Geography 916.682 Benin: Geography 916.69 Nigeria: Geography 916.6995 Sao Tome and Principe: Geography 916.7 Central Africa: Geography 916.71 Cameroon/Equatorial Guinea: Geography 916.718 Equatorial Guinea: Geography 916.72 Gabon/Congo: Geography 916.721 Gabon: Geography 916.724 Congo: Geography 916.73 Angola: Geography 916.74 Central African Republic/Chad: Geography 916.741 Central African Republic: Geography 916.743 Chad: Geography 916.75 Zaire: Geography 916.759 Burundi/Rwanda: Geography 916.7597 Burundi: Geography 916.7598 Rwanda: Geography 916.76 Uganda/Kenya: Geography 916.761 Uganda: Geography 916.762 Kenya: Geography 916.77 Somalia: Geography 916.771 Djibouti: Geography 916.78 Tanzania: Geography 916.79 Mozambique: Geography 916.8 Southern Africa: Geography 916.80 South Africa: Geography 916.81 Botswana: Geography 916.834 Swaziland: Geography 916.861 Lesotho: Geography 916.88 Namibia: Geography 916.89 Zimbabwe/Zambia/Malawi: Geography 916.891 Zimbabwe: Geography 916.894 Zambia: Geography 916.897 Malawi: Geography 916.9 African islands: Geography 916.91 Madagascar: Geography 916.941 Comoros: Geography 916.96 Seychelles: Geography 916.98 Mascarene Islands: Geography 916.981 Reunion: Geography 916.982 Mauritius: Geography 917 North America: Geography 917.1 Canada: Geography 917.2 Mexico: Geography 917.28 Central America: Geography 917.281 Guatemala: Geography 917.282 Belize: Geography 917.283 Honduras: Geography 917.284 El Salvador: Geography 917.285 Nicaragua: Geography 917.286 Costa Rica: Geography 917.287 Panama: Geography 917.29 Caribbean: Geography 917.291 Cuba: Geography 917.292 Jamaica 917.2929 Cayman Islands: Geography 917.293 Dominican Republic: Geography 917.294 Haiti: Geography 917.295 Puerto Rico: Geography 917.297 Leeward Islands: Geography 917.2971 U. S. Virgin Islands: Geography 917.2974 Guadeloupe: Geography 917.298 Windward Islands: Geography 917.2986 Barbados: Geography 917.2987 Trinidad and Tobago: Geography 917.2988 Netherlands Antilles: Geography 917.29881 Curacao: Geography 917.29882 Aruba: Geography 917.3 United States of America: Geography 917.4 North-eastern USA: Geography 917.41 Maine: Geography 917.43 Vermont: Geography 917.44 Massachusetts: Geography 917.45 Rhode Island: Geography 917.46 Connecticut: Geography 917.47 New York State: Geography 917.48 Pennsylvania: Geography 917.49 New Jersey: Geography 917.5 South-eastern USA: Geography 917.51 Delaware: Geography 917.52 Maryland: Geography 917.53 Washington DC: Geography 917.54 West Virginia: Geography 917.55 Virginia: Geography 917.56 North Carolina: Geography 917.57 South Carolina: Geography 917.58 Georgia: United States: Geography 917.59 Florida: Geography 917.6 South central USA: Geography 917.61 Alabama: Geography 917.63 Louisiana: Geography 917.64 Texas: Geography 917.66 Oklahoma: Geography 917.67 Arkansas: Geography 917.68 Tennessee: Geography 917.69 Kentucky: Geography 917.7 North central USA: Geography 917.72 Indiana: Geography 917.73 Illinois: Geography 917.74 Michigan: Geography 917.75 Wisconsin: Geography 917.76 Minnesota: Geography 917.77 Iowa: Geography 917.78 Missouri: Geography 917.8 Western USA: Geography 917.81 Kansas: Geography 917.82 Nebraska: Geography 917.83 South Dakota: Geography 917.86 Montana: Geography 917.88 Colorado: Geography 917.89 New Mexico: Geography 917.9 Pacific coast USA: Geography 917.91 Arizona: Geography 917.92 Utah: Geography 917.94 California: Geography 917.95 Oregon: Geography 917.96 Idaho: Geography 917.97 Washington State: Geography 917.98 Alaska: Geography 917.99 Hawaii: Geography 918 South America: Geography 918.1 Brazil: Geography 918.2 Argentina: Geography 918.3 Chile: Geography 918.4 Bolivia: Geography 918.5 Peru: Geography 918.6 Colombia/Ecuador: Geography 918.61 Colombia: Geography 918.66 Ecuador: Geography 918.7 Venezuela: Geography 918.8 Guyanas/Surinam: Geography 918.81 Guyana: Geography 918.82 French Guyana: Geography 918.83 Surinam: Geography 918.9 Paraguay/Uruguay: Geography 918.92 Paraguay: Geography 918.99 Uruguay: Geography 919 Oceania and polar regions: Geography 919.3 South West Pacific: Geography 919.31 New Zealand: Geography 919.32 New Caledonia: Geography 919.34 Vanuatu: Geography 919.4 Australia: Geography 919.54 Papua New Guinea: Geography 919.6 Polynesia: Geography 919.61 Fiji/Tonga/Samoa: Geography 919.611 Fiji: Geography 919.612 Tonga: Geography 919.6131 Western Samoa: Geography 919.63 Tahiti. French Polynesia: Geography 919.641 Pitcairn Islands: Geography 919.664 Marshall Islands: Geography 919.672 Guam: Geography 919.685 Nauru: Geography 919.8 Arctic: Geography 919.88 Greenland: Geography 919.9 Antarctica: Geography 92 Biographical studies. Genealogy. Heraldry. Flags 929 Biographical studies 929 Biography 929.5 Genealogy 929.6 Heraldry 929.7 Nobility. Titles. Peerage 929.9 Flags. Standards. Banners 93/94 History 930 Science of history. Historiography 930 Ancient history 930.1 History as a science 930.2 Methodology of history. Ancillary historical sciences 930.25 Archivistics. Archives (including public and other records) 930.85 History of civilization. Cultural history 931 Ancient history (general) 934 India: Ancient history 936 Europe: Ancient history 937 Rome: Ancient history 938 Greece: Ancient history 94 General history 940 Europe: History 940 History 950 Asia: History 960 Africa: History 970 North America: History 973 United States of America: History 980 South America: History 990 Oceania and polar regions: History