A 13-story building lying on the ground (AKA don't skimp on the re-bar)

ATT01163.jpg First, the apartment building was constructed. Then the plan called for an underground garage to be dug out.
ATT01166.jpg The garage was being dug on the south side, to a depth of 4.6 meters.
ATT01169.jpg The excavated dirt was being piled up on the north side, to a height of 10 meters.
ATT01172.jpg The building experienced uneven lateral pressure from south and north.

Heavy rains resulted in water seeping into the ground. The building began to shift and the concrete pilings were snapped due to the uneven lateral pressures. The building began to tilt.

ATT01175.jpg This resulted in a lateral pressure of 3,000 tonnes, which was greater than what the pilings could tolerate. Thus the building toppled over in the southerly direction.
ATT01178.jpg And thus came the eighth wonder of the world.
ATT01181.jpg If the buildings were closer together there would also have been a domino effect.
ATT01208.jpg They built 13 stories on grade, with no basement, and tied it all down to hollow pilings with no rebar.

Brought to you by the same folks that make your kids' toys and want to build your next car.

Don't skimp on the re-bar Last update: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 14:59:22 -0500