I want something to replace current incremental backups because walking a spinning-rust filetree for recently-modified files takes too long. I've seen /src take up to 20 minutes, and incrementals happen every 30.
Basic idea:
files=mktemp() or die
ds='' # dataset
mp='' # mountpoint
# Skip redundant or unmounted datasets.
zfs list -d 2 -Ho name,mountpoint -t filesystem |
egrep -v '/ROOT/.*-RELEASE|none$' |
while read ds mp |
snapshot = $ds@$snapname
if zfs list -t snapshot -H $snapshot > /dev/null 2>&1
logmsg about diff
run zfs diff on $snapshot
get modified, added files
create full pathname
append to $files
logmsg about destroy
run zfs destroy on $snapshot
logmsg about create new
run zfs create on $snapshot
sort $files in place, prepend .
cd /
bdir = /backup/inc/%Y/%m%d/%H%M
mkdir -p $bdir or die
logmsg cpio
cpio -pdum $bdir < $files
logmsg done
rm $files
Got this working -- I can get through an entire set of incremental backups in around 11 seconds!
Results in /var/log/local6log:
Apr 22 02:18:25 furbag zsnap-inc: start
Apr 22 02:18:25 furbag zsnap-inc: SKIPPING tank, top-level pool
Apr 22 02:18:25 furbag zsnap-inc: tank/archive on /archive
Apr 22 02:18:25 furbag zsnap-inc: diff tank/archive@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:25 furbag zsnap-inc: destroy tank/archive@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:26 furbag zsnap-inc: create tank/archive@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: zroot/var/mail on /var/mail
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: diff zroot/var/mail@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: destroy zroot/var/mail@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: create zroot/var/mail@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: zroot/var/tmp on /var/tmp
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: diff zroot/var/tmp@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: destroy zroot/var/tmp@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: create zroot/var/tmp@inc30
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: backup dir: /backup/inc/2024/0422/0218
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: removing empty directories
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: copied 246 files 157 Kb
Apr 22 02:18:36 furbag zsnap-inc: done
Unfortunately, I can't get du or find to accurately report the backup size, and I don't know why:
root# du -sk /backup/inc/2024/0422/0218
6503 /backup/inc/2024/0422/0218
root# find /backup/inc/2024/0422/0218/ -printf '%k\n' |
awk '{ total += $1 } END { print total }'
[in output above: 157Kb, not even close]
ZFS takes 5 sec or so to sync a transaction group. After adding that, things worked.
Average time is 16-21 seconds to back up all mounted filesystems.
The old method finished in under a minute 42% of the time, and finished under 10 minutes 94% of the time. The shortest time was 47 seconds. It ran over 30 minutes 5 times, which overlaps the next incremental.
Anything ending with this is a bogus file:
./var/tmp(on_delete_queue): Cannot stat: No such file or directory
Made a few tweaks to get rid of bogus files like the ones above.
Install conf-exclude wherever you put local configuration files. I use /backup/etc in the zsnap-inc script.
Create a directory to hold incremental backups. I use /backup/inc -- subdirectories YYYY/MMDD will be created. Here's an example:
| +--inc
| | +--2024
| | | +--0801
| | | | +--0006 # run at 00:06 on 2024-08-01
| | | | | +--home
| | | | | | +--vogelke
| | | | | | | +--mail
| | | | | | | | +--HEADERS.2024w31
| | | | | | | | +--MAILLOG
| | | | | | | | +--msgid.cache
| | | | | +--var
| | | | | | +--db
| | | | | | | +--entropy
| | | | | | | | +--saved-entropy.1
| | | | | | +--log
| | | | | | | +--authlog
| | | | | | | +--maillog
| | | | | | | +--syslog
| | | | +--0036
| | | | | +--home
| | | | | | +--vogelke
| | | | +--2336 # run at 23:36 on 2024-08-01
| | | | | +--var
| | | | | | +--log
| | | | | | | +--cron
| | | | | | | +--local6log
| | | | | | | +--syslog
Move the zsnap-inc script to wherever root's cron scripts live on your system, and use an entry like this in root's crontab file:
#+--------------------------- Minute (0-59)
#| +----------------------- Hour (0-23)
#| | +----------------- Day (1-31)
#| | | +------------- Month (1-12)
#| | | | +--------- Day of week (0-6, 0=Sunday)
#| | | | | +---- Command to be run
#| | | | | |
#v v v v v v
# Backups.
6,36 * * * * /path/to/zsnap-inc
Comments welcome.
![]() |
Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
![]() |
Parent Directory | 02-May-2019 20:55 | - | |
![]() |
conf-exclude | 18-Aug-2024 09:58 | 2k | List of files to ignore when doing a backup |
![]() |
duration | 22-Apr-2024 23:56 | 1k | Script to read a syslog file, see how long backups take |
![]() |
zsnap-inc | 16-May-2024 00:57 | 4k | Script to run incremental backups on ZFS filesystems |
Easy incremental backups using ZFS | Karl Vogel | Sun, 18 Aug 2024 10:38:08 -0400 |