#!/usr/bin/perl my $rcsid = '$Id: newpost,v 1.4 2006/04/26 20:16:12 vogelke Exp $'; =head1 NAME newpost =head1 SYNOPSIS newpost [-v] [file] =head1 DESCRIPTION newpost reads a file (or stdin), handles simple markup, and writes the results to a blog file. =head1 OPTIONS -v prints the version and exits. =head1 AUTHOR Karl Vogel Sumaria Systems, Inc. =cut # To generate manpage: # pod2man -c 'User docs' -r "`date`" -d version newpost #--------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use subs qw(urlify usage version); use Mail::Address; # parse email addresses use File::Basename; use Date::Parse; use Date::Format qw(time2str); my $myname; # script basename. $myname = basename ($0, ".pl"); # Get args: my $infile = ''; ARG: while (@ARGV) { $_ = shift @ARGV; /^-v/ and do { my $vers = version(); warn "$vers\n"; exit (0); }; /^-.*/ and do { usage ("unrecognized option: $_"); }; $infile = $_; } # If anything is coming in via STDIN, # use it. If not, try the $infile. if (-f STDIN || -p STDIN) { open (F, "<&STDIN"); } else { open (F, "$infile") || die "$infile: can't read: $!\n"; } # # We're reading an email message, so save # the date and subject lines, and open the # output file. # my $from = ''; my $date = time(); my $title = 'no title'; TOP: while () { $_ = urlify ($_); last if /^$/; /^From: *(.*)$/i and do { $from = $1; next TOP; }; /^Date: *(.*)$/i and do { if (my $t = str2time ($1)) { $date = $t; } next TOP; }; /^Subject: *(.*)$/i and do { $title = $1; next TOP; }; } my $outfile = sprintf ("/doc/html/htdocs/blog/posts/%d.txt", $date); open (OUT, "> $outfile") || die "$outfile: can't write: $!\n"; print OUT "$title\n"; # # Main loop. # TOP: while () { $_ = urlify ($_); /---------S$/ and do { print OUT "

	while () {
            $_ = urlify ($_);

            last if /---------E$/;
	    print OUT "$_\n";

        print OUT "
\n"; next TOP; }; # row of dashes. /^\s*\-\-\-\-+\s*$/ and do { print OUT "
\n"; next TOP; }; /^$/ and do { print OUT "

\n"; next TOP; }; # let blockquote take care of indent, but keep # two spaces after periods. s!^\s*!!g; s!\. !.\ \ !g; print OUT "$_\n"; } close (OUT); # Fix timestamp and mode. utime ($date, $date, $outfile); my $mode = 0664; chmod $mode, $outfile; exit (0); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare string by expanding tabs, making links to URLs, etc. sub urlify { local($_) = shift; my $out = ''; chomp; 1 while s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 5 - length($`) % 5)/e; # Fix email addresses. # we need to keep angle brackets, so use (( for < and # )) for > until we're reday to return. if (/\@/) { my @addrs = Mail::Address->parse($_); foreach my $addr (@addrs) { $_ = $addr->address; if (/\@/) { s/$_/ ((a href=\"mailto:$_\"))$_((\/a)) /; } $out .= $addr->phrase; $out .= "$_ " } $_ = $out; } # Trim first 4 spaces. s/^ //; # Links enclosed by brackets? s/<(http:.+)>/$1/g; s/<(https:.+)>/$1/g; # Special characters? s!\&!\&!g; s!!\>!g; # replace protected angle brackets. s/\(\(//g; # handle remaining URLs. (taken from Perl Cookbook) my $urls = '(http|file|ftp)'; my $ltrs = '\w'; my $gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-'; my $punc = '.:?\-'; my $any = "${ltrs}${gunk}${punc}"; s{ \b # start at word boundary ( # begin $1 { $urls : # need resource and a colon [$any] +? # followed by on or more # of any valid character, but # be conservative and take only # what you need to.... ) # end $1 } (?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion [$punc]* # either 0 or more punctuation [^$any] # followed by a non-url char | # or else $ # then end of the string ) }{$1}igox; return $_; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print a usage message from the comment header and exit. sub usage { my ($emsg) = @_; warn "$emsg\n"; warn "usage: newpost [-v] [file]\n"; exit (1); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the current version. sub version { $_ = $rcsid; s/,v / /; @_ = split; return "$_[1] v$_[2] $_[3] $_[4]"; }